Bomb, apparently


Apr 1, 2005
Near Seattle
On the afternoon of May 1st, a high school student reported seeing writing on a restroom wall indicating, “A bomb will go off soon”. Students and staff were directed by the school administration to immediately evacuate the building to the designated safe zone where they remained for the last hour of the school day. Students were later released at the regular dismissal time.
Law enforcement has conducted a thorough search of the high school facility and determined that the message was a hoax. The building has been deemed safe and is now accessible to staff, students, and the public.
School is set to begin at the normal time on Wednesday morning, May 2nd.

:lol: Fuck the things I miss, I didn't even know this happened and I was at school today.
Someone should write "I am going to shit in the lunchroom and rub my ass cheeks in it." on a wall. Wonder if it'd get a reaction.

And then for greater effect, actually do it.
I would write on the walls in the women's bathroom "I jizzed on all the toilet seats and toilet paper"
what would happen if, "I AM A SEWER CHEWER" was sprawled on the wall?

I like to think he would come to life and go on a rampage looking for me so he could rock out with the BEST.
everytime something happens there are always tons of follow up scares and hoaxes, its fuckin stupid. a bomb threat is not cool, its not clever, its certainly not original and most importantly its not funny. knock it off retards, these fuckin kids today need every hour of education they can get haha.
I seem to recall Kvlt Wench mentioning that her school was under lockdown a couple of times for the same sort of nonsense. This was a few months back, before the latest fucktard shot up his classmates, so I guess these hoaxes happens regardless.

I don't remember this level of mayhem when I was in high school, we just had the usual kids pulling the fire alarm type pranks.
Usually if one is going to bomb some place, one doesn't warn the potential victims. I'd like to see them grow some balls and just tell the kids "Duck and cover."
On easter in grade 12, someone brought a dead bunny in and taped it to our front window from the inside before school started.

On a seperate occasion, we also had someone bring a goat's head and stick it on a fence post on school grounds. That happened twice. Then all these "bomb threats" started poppin' up for a specific date on an assembly day. Only 30% of the school went in that day and we had cops surrounding the gymnasium and shit.
A friend of mine cause a code red one day when I was in 10th grade. Volitile personality + 6'8'', 350 lbs of pure german beef = disaster waiting to happen. Appearantly, they switched him out of his favorite class because the class was overfull. He beat down 5 security guards, knocked a cop out and tore the front door off of it's hinges as he left to go home. He was juvied for a year and is required by law to have therapy.
Hahahaha Redkef, you know a real-life Hulk.

Seriously though, if some mindless cunt sets off the fire alarm during one of my final exams, I'll be so pissed that I'll simply have to set fire to the school myself. Some piece of mind will be needed upon discovering my exam is automatically invalidated as soon as an alarm sounds. That shite just cannot happen for nothing. Not in my book.
These types of things are perpetrated by morons who don't give a shit about learning or advancement and sit around sniffing glue under the bleachers.
On a seperate occasion, we also had someone bring a goat's head and stick it on a fence post on school grounds. That happened twice. Then all these "bomb threats" started poppin' up for a specific date on an assembly day. Only 30% of the school went in that day and we had cops surrounding the gymnasium and shit.

I thought you were from Canada, not Norway.