BOO again


Sep 21, 2006
...turns out I AM producing and recording their next album! (BOO = Born of Osiris)

Any opinions on what you think I should do with them? Let's be serious with these (please)

This is just for the drawing board. I want to make this cd a memorable one in their metal community.

things i think so far:
1. they need more structure, a perfect combination of 1st and 2nd record (the label wants this too)
2. more vocal production
3. put a little more focus on the keys, and use higher quality key sounds
4. possibly integrate orchestrated madness into their sound (if they want)
5. last album sounds like 5150 with tube screamer, or just 5150... kind of similair to jason suecof style tone except a little brighter
(more on this note, i want to experiment with krank and engl for the guitar tone)
6. drums sound fake (its the genre me thinks)
7. bass is non existent, so more bass / better bass lines

thats about all i can think of for now. now's your chance to tell me what you think (especially if you're looking forward to this record)
Oh fuck Joey this is gonna be amazing! Please keep us informed about everything and if possible, some pictures of recording sessions would be amazing!!!

BTW i think you are going to the right direction with that list you made, A Higher Place was quite bad overall.
Awesome Joey!
BASS! The bass needs to be more solid. There's no foundation for the guitars. The guitar sound a bit djenty (i'm not sure thats the term I want but I can't think of a better one) for the song style, I'd prefer a more tech death metal style. Again I think the bass sound would help this.

Maybe a few longer tracks.

I'm looking forward to it! Sign me up for a sneak preview!
As cool as a higher place is, it lacks any catchiness. The structuring of the songs could improve this in my opinion. Also while the guitars on a higher place were way too bright they have a certain character that would sound fantastic if the bass was more solid and was EQed better. Joey I am stoked that you will be producing their new record. I have a feeling you will really bring the best out of this group. Good luck.

I think all mentioned things sound great and how i would love it, except for the "orchestrated madness"... But as always it's personal taste... Really looking forward to that release!
I think all mentioned things sound great and how i would love it, except for the "orchestrated madness"... But as always it's personal taste... Really looking forward to that release!

well they already have some orchestra elements in their music

i would be bringing in the ACTUAL orchestra element to the table, so instead of synthy type string settings, actual recordings of people playing strings, and the parts being played like and orchestra would play it, within reason

i do it in almost every cd i produce.
How about you attempt to break the mold of the genre and your own production and do something nobody would expect?
I have to admit, I'm not at all familiar with this band so I have nothing to offer in the way of opinions on what should be different ... I'll have to dig into them a bit and hopefully I can come up with a decent thought or suggestion to add
and as far as production goes in the more musical sense, my personal suggestion would be to not overdo it. focus on bringing out the best riffs and grooves possible, because thats what these guys excell at

but yeah, real drums would definately be nice
Thats awesome Joey! I would second (or third for that matter) using a less clicky kick and more in your face drum sound. I always liked BOO but that was one thing, particularly on their first album, that drove me nuts. It improved with the second album but i think the drums still sounded a little clustered and their was little emphasis on the cymbals. I'm really interested to see what you can do for them, especially after you mentioned making the keys stronger and adding some orchestral madness. The vocals on their previous album were sick but I felt he kept the same tone and delivery throughout the whole album, which could use a little change-up now and again. And like you mentioned, some (audible) bass would make the high-end of the guitars sound less grating and shallow sounding methinks.

Exited to hear where you go with this! BOO have a lot of potential that I'm sure you can tap and bring to the forefront. Good luck :kickass:
Although the second album sometimes has its moments I found it to be overall pretty boring and hence never bothered buying it.
I loved the first album, even though the kick drum is so damn loud and annoying.
More realistic drums would be cool, but the fake sounding quantized drums of the first album fit their sound fine.
Definitely stay away from the guitar sound of the second album imo.
Gonna be interesting...I thought you said you won't make that album some months ago?
Great you made it...The sound was always the worst part of their music.