BOO again


It was already mentioned before, but they need more catchiness. More memorable riffs/melodies/vocals. Less noodling.

And moar vocal variety. The singer sounded great on the last album, but he basically only has one sound it seems. Try to force him out of his comfort zone and see what he can do.
I don't think the last album is typical 5150 sound at all... it was just really bright, really metallic, kind of hollow... I think the typical boosted 5150 and mesa cab sound could easily work well for their super tight style without having the mids sit in a weird spot or the tone being too metallic or hollow like you might get from an Engl. Boosted 5150 can sound extremely tight.

As far as music, the catchy riffs and grooves from the first album + some of the lead melody ideas of the second album would be cool. It would be nice to hear a few epic guitar solos now and then... I know they are capable of playing them, but maybe they could use some producer guidance to help fit them in...

Definitely agree with more production for vocals... would help make things less monotonous...

Basically, let them experiment a bit with more prog sections, but help the songs stay more structured. I think a better guitar tone, more realistic sounding drums, and better song structures could do a lot to help them...
Sounds fucking great! I think everything you listed is perfect. Especially in more vocals production and getting the keys more involve. Now im pretty sure BOO is coming with something EPIC.
I'm a massive Born of Osiris fan, and I'd have to say that I think everything you suggested is definitely a step in the right direction.

Especially using better key sounds, this lets them down massively.

They could really do with a few more repeats of particularly good parts. There are always bits in their songs that I think sound fucking incredible, that they only ever play once, and not for particularly long. Their songs are almost always so short too, that they could quite easily get away with making them a fair bit longer.

More mechanical stopping and starting! I guess I really just mean guitar editing. The New Reign was edited in a very robotic way, which I guess might not be to some people's taste, but I feel like it really added something to the sound that A Higher Place was completely missing. Without it, it sort of takes the progressive edge away from them and makes them sound more like every other Deathcore band.

More irregular time signatures. Especially on the drum fills (like the beginning of Brace Legs). I guess that might not be something you can really change, but meh. :P

Less songs that start off sounding like Chimaira.

To be honest it's fairly obvious that you know what you're doing, I'm sure it'll end up sounding awesome.

Already looking forward to it!
More mechanical stopping and starting! I guess I really just mean guitar editing. The New Reign was edited in a very robotic way, which I guess might not be to some people's taste, but I feel like it really added something to the sound that A Higher Place was completely missing.

This +1000.
How can somebody hate the tone on A higher place? It fucking rules.

I'd say use an engl, and push the hell out of their shining tone.
I suppose, now that I listen to it, the actual EQ of the guitar mix is pretty terrible, but the amp itself clearly screams.
Dude I wouldn't say it sucks. Its got really cool character, but its just really bright. As far as a mix I find it fatiguing but I personally really like the tone.


I find it a bit too piercing imo, honestly the mix is pretty much horrible, I pretty much hate Michael Keene's work, second album was good, had some pretty vibey moments and some catchy leads/riffs, but the structure is just plain horrible. And those programmed drums :l bleurgh... I'm keen to see what Joey does with them, hoping he'll do something outside of the box for a moment