BOO again

I normally dont like ENGL, but for this kind of music there is no other amp(Cant think of any other amp that has that amount of attack.).
Congrats Joey!!!

My main concern with AHP is the lack of bass guitar on that record. It's like there's no bass at all, and I'm quite sure you will sort that in a blink.
Everything you can improve from that on is going to be AMAZING, seriously.
Cheers!! :D
Circle Of Contempt's latest album in my mind is a better version of 'A Higher place' musically and on a production level. I love everything about that production. But if you havent listened to that album, i suggest you do because i would hate for BOO'S new stuff to turn out like that and you not give the band a unique twist production wise.
hopefully i made sense
dude I think you got this, don't worry, from what I heard from the new Confide song (even though myspace isn't to great of quality) you know how to make things like kick drum, low bass notes, and chugging guitar super tight and defined and even though I haven't really listened to much BOO, I know that they're pretty "blasty" so they need to stay really tight, unless they're looking for a trashy sort of sound.
Natural drums don't sound appropriate for this gerne, sorry if i sound like an idiot.
I would love to hear some of the good joey effects, you know reverse snares, reverse vocals, all that stuff. I mean the song is obviously important but the cool things like that really keep me listening. As for natural amps, I am super stoked on this!

really stoked for the vocal production, your vocals really sound great IMO always catchy.
orchiestra parts +1

And also like a lot said you know what your doing and it will sound awesome!
more riffs like open arms into damnation, and then some sick ass vocal ideas too.


I would marry you based on this statement. Favourite song.

I liked the general theme of the first album just not the production, would be cool to experiment more with sidechaining the guitars to the kick for some of the breakdowns but a lot of people think it just sounds over-done. Only if the tone is right for it though.
everything looks good. only problem is i've tried to get them on the phone for a month now and no dice... i hope they've been hacking away at the demos...

if anyone here knows them, they should nudge em in my direction. i have direct contact with label and management and still can't get them.
everything looks good. only problem is i've tried to get them on the phone for a month now and no dice... i hope they've been hacking away at the demos...

if anyone here knows them, they should nudge em in my direction. i have direct contact with label and management and still can't get them.

thats weird. haha