Book cover illustration?


Apr 18, 2002
Bay Area
Anyone have advice on how to get into illustrating book covers? Travis or any other artists here? I've tried contacting a few book publishers, to see what's the proper method of submission (since I know they have very strict guidelines for writers who approach them), but I haven't any luck getting response. CD covers are cool, but it would be great to do some stuff for books & magazines as well. But who to contact and how? :confused:
Its pretty simple, first, have a good portfolio, then send it to each companies entitled as "Art Submission", make sure you include all pertinent contact info, as well as a presentation letter.

If you need advice in how to build a portfolio, check the following link, I posted some articles as well as some info gained through crash and learn.

(note, even if we are mainly focusing on the RPG market on that tread, many of the concepts applies to all kinds of visual stuff)

Hope that helps.
Travis... publishers who might be interested in your line of work, mmm perhaps Thor Books, IDTW publishing or Del Rey? I heard good words about Paper Tiger Press, but Im not 100% sure about these names, I havent got the opportunity to do research on the field... and living faaaaaarrrrr awwwwway from the U.S. doesnt help.

However, I strongly recomend that you submit some of your work to "Spectrum" or any sort of book that goes by the "Best Illustrations Annual" motto, there its also one magazine for art directors whose name I cant remember right now that might help too...

I have done a couple of covers, but mostly for RPGS, which is a totally different market (Say hello to low payments!)... and I apologize if dont make any sense, Im currently sleep deprived and reality moves 5 minutes faster than me... Ill elaborate on the subject later, I promise, if anyone has questions, just ask away.