Finished Fury last night, ran out and bought more Salman Rushdie tonight (The Moor's Last Sigh), so I guess I liked it. 

foolish, inferior mortal!NAD said:Read 1/3 of Heart of Darkness last night and it was all I could do to walk outside, throw it into traffic, and laugh hysterically as I watch the papers torn to pieces. THAT BOOK SUCKS ASS. I won't be finishing it.
NAD said:Bump for spaffe although I can't answer the question. has quite a handful of reviews for Greg Bear books though, and that Darwin's Children book sounds intriguing.
Finally finished The Name of the Rose tonight, a book that I was supposed to read 8 years ago for Composition I and II in high school (I rented the movie instead, haha). On to more Kerouac next, then hopefully Tolkien's Unfinished Tales.