

Your Executioner
Nov 23, 2001
yo mamas ass
dude something really cool needs to happen on um right about now......... comeon boredom sux ass!!! I dont want to be reducded to studying for my law class man! ARRGGHHH
You don't need sleep when you take Guarana!!!!:heh::heh:
But be careful maybe it's not legal in you country....:heh::heh:
:devil:And you can't be bored with it!!!!:devil: is slightly addictive
:heh:Just a few facts:heh:
Facts & Fiction

Guarana contains a high amount of guaranine, a chemical substance with the same characteristics as caffeine. This makes Guarana a stimulant similar to coffee, which means that it:

quickens perceptions
delays sleep
helps with endurance based activities
can help to recover from a hangover
impairs the appetite
will lead to more frequent visits to the toilet
causes a higher blood pressure and an increased heart rate
can make you feel jittery and may prevent sleep at all.

Guarana is not:

a 'miracle medicine'
a dangerous drug
an easy way to lose weight
a vitamin
a food supplement

Not proven by scientific research, but some users state that:

Guarana is a 'Smart Drug'
Guarana is an aphrodisiac
their health improved thanks to guarana


Theoretically, it is possible to overdose on caffeine or guarana. The fatal dose has been estimated at 10 grams of pure caffeine / guaranine (taken at once!). Guarana seeds contain maximal 10% caffeine, so when you would swallow at least 100 grams guarana seeds at once, things start to look ugly. Our advice: don't even think about it.
To put all of this in perspective: the average cup of coffee contains 65-130 milligrams of caffeine; some very strong guarana-based syrups can contain up to 350 milligrams. Look at our caffeine chart for more info.
People with cardiac problems or a high blood pressure should avoid Guarana (and smoking or drinking coffee, for that matter) When in doubt - consult your doctor.
As with all stimulants, dependency may occur.
Chemical composition of Guarana seeds:

Vegetable fiber: 49.125 %
Reddish resin: 8.800 %
Starch: 8.350 %
Water: 7.650 %
Pectin, malic acid, mucilage, dextrin, salts: 7.470 %
Guarana-tannic acid: 5.902 %
Caffeine: 5.388 %
Yellowish steady oil: 2.950 %
Pyro-guarana acid: 2.750 %
Reddish colorant: 1.520 %
Amorphous substances: 0.606 %
Saponin: 0.060 %