Jun 2, 2002
Chicago area
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Man this sux!!!!! I went to get tickets to the show on the 23rd of Feb, and found out they sold out within the first 10 mins. This really sux, I dont know what to do. Fuck Fuck Fuck!!! and I see fuckin ass holes selling these tickets on ebay for $200!! . Man I am pissed!!!
Thats fucking rude with those fucks selling tix online, Buddy - sorry to hear that man.

Whats the capacity of this venue anyways - they should move it maybe?
hey Buddy----
I may have an extra ticket!!!!!
I bought 2 because I didn't want to go alone, but now I don't know if my friend can go. so you may be in luck!!!!!!!
Pink_Metal said:
hey Buddy----
I may have an extra ticket!!!!!
I bought 2 because I didn't want to go alone, but now I don't know if my friend can go. so you may be in luck!!!!!!!

Yes please!!! Let me know, and if anyone else has one and wants to sell it a face value oreven a little over let me know, I need to get 2 total
What really sucks is that I doubt that the one's selling the tickets for more are putting the profits toward the benefit. Ahhhhhhhh the almighty dollar. Everyone want theirs.