Bands that SOLD OUT


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
Metallica are obviously the biggest ones people accuse of selling out to make cash.
I can't argue with it, while they may have quite liked playing the stuff on Load and Reload, it certainly wasn't challenging them like their earlier work.
So Metallica started writing simpler music to sell more records.

Megadeth - RISK. I like the album but it's pretty fucking hard to deny it was an attempt to sell records.
So, Megadeth wrote more commercial music to sell records.

You guys will have plenty of examples of bands you liked that sold out.
When bands sell out and try to make more cash, they tend to just make simpler records with more of a "pop" feel.

Not Anthrax! It just hit me tonight, Anthrax have sold out in the biggest way possible, they make Metallica look like fucking Burzum (fuck me, Burzum used harmonies on Fallen, maybe not a good example but I can't think of a single band that hasn't been accused of selling out!!! hahahah)

Anthrax didn't just write pop songs, they actually formed a whole new band called the Damned Things to try and promote Anthrax.
Anyone over the age of about 15 fucking hates that kind of emo music right? How old is Scott and that other guy from Anthrax that isn't Dan Spitz? About 45 at least? 50? And they like pop/punk/emo music? I don't buy it. One minute you're writing some down picked thrash metal legendary riff, the next some teeny bopper bullshit three chord wonder?

The Damned Things was one big conspiracy to get 13 year olds into that shitty band, then they wonder about the weird beard bald guy and his beanie hatted Jesus-alike from a band called Anthrax and buy the whole 'Thrax back catalogue (and suffer a mental breakdown wondering what the fuck happened with the singers and a tiny watchmaker).

Am I reading too much into this? Does Scott REALLY love emo punk pop in his spare time? I fucking doubt it.
your on a good ranting run stormwatch but i dont agree with all the sellout bullshit,they were millionaires b4 black album,who r we to say what they should play,james has been pretty honest saying they are selfish and write to please themselves,id say most bands do the same,i dont think anybody whos in a good band would know what the music is gonna soundlike b4 they write it,its a crok of shit this whole sellout talk.
your on a good ranting run stormwatch but i dont agree with all the sellout bullshit,they were millionaires b4 black album,who r we to say what they should play,james has been pretty honest saying they are selfish and write to please themselves,id say most bands do the same,i dont think anybody whos in a good band would know what the music is gonna soundlike b4 they write it,its a crok of shit this whole sellout talk.

Well, I actually said they wrote simpler music TO SELL RECORDS. I don't think they needed money (although I find it pretty hard to believe they were millionaires before the Black album) but I DO think they, Lars in particular, wanted to SELL more albums. Just like Joe Elliot from Def Leppard. If you listen to them talk, it's clear the only thing that matters to them is selling more records than they did previously. No mention of writing cool music or pushing themselves as musicians, it's all about selling more records than before. Not for the money, just for the high of selling more I suppose.
At that stage, it's impossible to argue against them selling out, they're fucking admitting it themselves.
I wouldn't say all of these following bands are complete sell outs. But they at least tried to at one point

Metallica big time with The Black Album - This is the only band of all that really completely sold out and went from Thrash legends to pussy fags
Anthrax - after POT they completely changed to be more 'modern' and abandoned their thrash metal style
Megadeth with Countdown to Extinction and eventually RISK
Queensryche - Empire
Testament - The Ritual
Exodus - Force of Habit
Celtic Frost - Cold Lake
Life of Agony - Turned into STP
Morbid Angel - Illud Divinium Insanus
Sepultura - After Arise it was all over for Sepultura s we knew them
Napalm Death - Diatribes
Carcass - Swansong
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark, tried a bit more commercial sound didn't work
In Flames
Korn - Follow The Leader
Deftones - White Pony
Def Leppard - Everything after Pyromania
Kiss - Lick It Up

Just to name a few
I wouldn't say all of these following bands are complete sell outs. But they at least tried to at one point

Metallica big time with The Black Album - This is the only band of all that really completely sold out and went from Thrash legends to pussy fags
Anthrax - after POT they completely changed to be more 'modern' and abandoned their thrash metal style
Megadeth with Countdown to Extinction and eventually RISK
Queensryche - Empire
Testament - The Ritual
Exodus - Force of Habit
Celtic Frost - Cold Lake
Life of Agony - Turned into STP
Morbid Angel - Illud Divinium Insanus
Sepultura - After Arise it was all over for Sepultura s we knew them
Napalm Death - Diatribes
Carcass - Swansong
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark, tried a bit more commercial sound didn't work
In Flames
Korn - Follow The Leader
Deftones - White Pony
Def Leppard - Everything after Pyromania
Kiss - Lick It Up

Just to name a few

As always I think you're full of shit, but I'll pick you up on one in particular here.

Def Leppard sold out AFTER Pyromania? You think they decided to go for a more commercial sound AFTER their first record with a real commercial sound?
I like them to this day, but if you're going to accuse them of selling out, at least make a fucking case. Pyromania was the album they really went commercial, so if they made a concious decision to sell out, it was on that album. The fact you (clearly) like it does not make it less of a "sell out".
No band has ever sold out.

The goal of anyone who picks up a guitar, or any other instrument is:


achieving commercial success brings a whole lot of both.

Their is a HUGE difference between releasing shitty music and "selling out".
Pantera did the exact opposite, they started with sellout-pussy music but didn't have commercial success with it, then they went into a heavier less-commercial direction and sold many more records than before. you must be stupid if you release records and don't want people to buy them:lol:
I think to an extent, most bands with any kind of longevity, have "sold out" at one point or another.
Anthrax tried so hard to sell out with the release of 'Stomp', 'Vol.8' & WCFYA but failed, they chased trends but no one gave a fuck about their records.


Fabulous Disaster included two covers which could be percieved as "selling out".Not saying I agree with it, but I could see someone being put off by Low Rider.

By the way, I was carefull to say "most bands" and not "all bands".:Smokin:
No band has ever sold out.

The goal of anyone who picks up a guitar, or any other instrument is:


achieving commercial success brings a whole lot of both.

Their is a HUGE differe nce between releasing shitty music and "selling out".

Thank YOu Stormwatch has neither!:hotjump:
Fabulous Disaster included two covers which could be percieved as "selling out".Not saying I agree with it, but I could see someone being put off by Low Rider.

By the way, I was carefull to say "most bands" and not "all bands".:Smokin:

I can see that point. Good album and I love 'Bonded By Blood'. Do most people consider 'Pleasures of the Flesh' underrated'?
Anthrax tried so hard to sell out with the release of 'Stomp', 'Vol.8' & WCFYA but failed, they chased trends but no one gave a fuck about their records.

I will agree, but they started this trend with SOWN. SOWN did well because they were at their peek after the POT album cycle. They were certainly one of, if not the biggest thrash band going at the time. Then they changed their sound and image completely around with SOWN and it all just went to complete shit after that. At least SOWN was a decently written album with 'good' songs.. but after that yikes!
Anthrax sold out big time in 2005.

I will actually , in theory agree with you there. If they were having such amazing success with their previous efforts, including WFCYA why would they need to do any reunion shows. The answer: Because nobody was buying those albums, those shows weren't doing well except for in Chicago and a few other markets. So they had to make some $$$ and brought back Spitz and Joey for a decent sized tour. I am glad they did it was probably the last time we'll ever see the REAL Anthrax again. All of the shows I went to were off the hook and really got me excited that they would continue on with that line up. But next thing you know Dannys gone, Joey's gone and some unknown Phil Anselmo wanna be DON Nelson was in the band.

But what ever, its all in the past. The future is looking semi bright.