Bands that have sold out?

I just scanned the last 7 pages of this thread and all that my mind can make out of the mush is:

ENTITY 1: "I just ate a St. Anger shit sandwich, but I shouldn't have because now my family will die without eating my intellect."

ENTITY 2: "Yes, but your sandwich is the wrong color, only a Dream Theater shit sandwich is worthy of an escalated word battle!"

Seeing that the only redeeming quality in those two sentences is sandwiches, I hereby say that I think sandwiches kick ass.

And, something to stay on topic, Bush sold out when they started becoming an electronica band.
Frank Zappa rapped,

But he wasn't rapping to be "cool" or trendy. :heh:
"Don't blow Jimmy, don't blow Bobby, find yourself another hobby"

Piss off doomsday, i wasnt talking to you. You are an ignorant arrogant shit!!!

By the time I sorted out this whole thread, I see things are ok, and I won't throw a flag for name calling..... :)

wow... just took a breather and scanned the thread. that got outta hand fast eh guys? And this forum was doing so good lately. I just have one question...

We have 2 threads right now that are a complete clusterfuck of bitching and shitflinging. The "is symphony x satanic" and "bands that have sold out". My question is this: How did those seemingly innocent threads get to this point when the POLITICAL DISCUSSION THREAD remained largely civil!?!? Blows my fucking mind, seriously.

Give it time... You'll see.....:lol: I hope I'm proven wrong...

Age and life experience are completely different. I know plenty of dudes in their 40's that are still kids.

/me raises hand (at least part time....certainly not lately....)
(but I'm still smart! :Spin:)

I'm a weather guy by trade, so I am trained in bullshit. One of the few jobs in the world where you can be completely wrong and get to go to work the next day.

It's been REALLY bad in Cheesland this year...Just get the tornados & hurricanes right, and everything will be ok.... ;)
wow... just took a breather and scanned the thread. that got outta hand fast eh guys? And this forum was doing so good lately. I just have one question...

We have 2 threads right now that are a complete clusterfuck of bitching and shitflinging. The "is symphony x satanic" and "bands that have sold out". My question is this: How did those seemingly innocent threads get to this point when the POLITICAL DISCUSSION THREAD remained largely civil!?!? Blows my fucking mind, seriously.

Even less civil than the theological discussion as well which keeps threatening to blow out, but doesn't quite... :lol:
Alright, both of you......


Haha the irony is, that's how my last night went. Except instead of sticking around with imbeciles, I went to bed.
haha, I was trying to guess which thread you'd respond to first... :p

:lol: I'm done with the 'satan' one. It's too much work to respond to 3+ new pages worth of lengthy posts about evolution, philosophy, and religion. Despite my interest in these things, I'm not going to piss in the ocean. One topic at a time, and I'll focus on a platform. But 4 simultaneous conversations in one thread- too disorganized. Not worth it.
:lol: I'm done with the 'satan' one. It's too much work to respond to 3+ new pages worth of lengthy posts about evolution, philosophy, and religion. Despite my interest in these things, I'm not going to piss in the ocean. One topic at a time, and I'll focus on a platform. But 4 simultaneous conversations in one thread- too disorganized. Not worth it.

:lol: thats what happens when the broader picture comes into view

oh yea, and the name calling thing ? typically proven to be non productive at an early age and abandoned for more useful ways of expressing ones self thru clear vision........ all that shit splatered all over the windshield is obstructive
:lol: I'm done with the 'satan' one. It's too much work to respond to 3+ new pages worth of lengthy posts about evolution, philosophy, and religion. Despite my interest in these things, I'm not going to piss in the ocean. One topic at a time, and I'll focus on a platform. But 4 simultaneous conversations in one thread- too disorganized. Not worth it.

Piss in the ocean... that's a damn good one. Consider it stolen.
Selling out: A mysterious, sudden, and often drastic change of style that coincides with a bands increase in popularity.

This shouldn't be confused with a band getting more modern sounding and bland, that's just called getting old... plus just the way music is recorded now. It's more of "Hey did you hear our favorite, unique, revolutionary band now sounds like everything coming out now right when they got a little publicity?"
You mean to say Dream Theater ran out of ideas and blatantly copied their heroes + a modern rock sound, while Symphony X just turned the badass meter up a notch.

Hell. Yes.:rock:

@ Ascension: Dream Theater is popular because they were on Warner Brothers Records for 15 years. They were easily one of the smaller bands on that label, but did you honestly think they'd be doing 30 minute sets after being marketed/promoted (even on a minimalist level) by WB for 7 albums? Get real man.

Pop music today is less memorable than it was in the 80's and 90's because pop music today is filled with nothing but rap/hip-hop music. I hate this genre so much I don't even like calling it music.

I get so tired of hearing this type of wanna be music crap EVERYWHERE I go. I really never understood what makes people coorelate this sound with being "hardcore" and "badass". There is nothing "extreme" or "hardcore" about some machine beat with maybe a little synthisizer behind some guy "talking" in rhymes about how gangsta he is. The more I think about it, I am more aggrevated with how you can't go anywhere without having to hear it than I am with the fact that it exists at all. I was in New Orleans a few weeks ago for my sister's wedding. I was in the French Quarter walking around, this is the old town where jazz, blues, and southern rock types of music have always defined the atmosphere. Even so, there were only a few occasional instances where I saw any of these styles of music being played, just about every single bar there was not only playing rap/hip-hop, but blasting it so loud that I was surprised the old time buildings weren't crumbling.

One of the dumber things I've ever read in my entire life. Don't know where to start, and don't know where to begin:

* Hip hop has been around since the 80s. If you're going to act like it's new and then pretend to have a valid opinion on music you are sadly mistaken.
* How was 80s/90s pop music memorable at all? Yeah, I am sure the Backstreet Boys and MC Hammer sell a million albums per year........
* Equating all hip hop with popular hip hop (lame garbage like Kanye West or 50 Cent) would be like me saying Avenged Sevenfold, Slipknot, and Symphony X are the same.
* I'll take real rappers like Aesop Rock, Immortal Technique, Jedi Mind Tricks, Atmosphere, and classic hip hop groups like Wu Tang Clan, Roots, and A Tribe Called Quest over a nice hefty chunk of metal nowadays.
@ Ascension: Dream Theater is popular because they were on Warner Brothers Records for 15 years. They were easily one of the smaller bands on that label, but did you honestly think they'd be doing 30 minute sets after being marketed/promoted (even on a minimalist level) by WB for 7 albums? Get real man.

Yeah everyone brings the WB thing up...but WB have had tons of artists in their stables that never got the popularity that even DT has...alot that had/have been promoted much moreso. So to say that promotion is the reason for their being at the top of the ranks, especially now so many years later, is just being blatantly ignorant & dismissive of the talent level they have. Believe what you want to believe...l'll believe in what they bring to the table...extreme talent. Now that's being
Yeah everyone brings the WB thing up...but WB have had tons of artists in their stables that never got the popularity that even DT has...alot that had/have been promoted much moreso. So to say that promotion is the reason for their being at the top of the ranks, especially now so many years later, is just being blatantly ignorant & dismissive of the talent level they have. Believe what you want to believe...l'll believe in what they bring to the table...extreme talent. Now that's being

You can believe that "talent" sells and leads to success, but that's also like believing in religion (and to all you religious dudes, I am not knocking your faith, you can ask any legitimate christian or hindu priest or rabbi or practitioner of any kind and they will tell you that they too are taking a leap of faith. That's where the word comes from in the first place). You're taking a blind leap of faith. Fact is, Dream Theater would have been jack and shit without WB's promotion. Simple as that. Symphony X has been on Inside Out for only 2 albums, and Metal Blade for 1 album prior that. Before V, they had practically zero label support which is why they are not as big as DT. However, judging by how many tickets they have been selling coupled with album sales, they are well on their way to reaching a similar level of success.
Ahh promotion alone will get you to the top of the obscure progressive metal genre. there's a belief for you. Next time l hear DT on the radio l'll thank WB. Learn something new everyday...thanks. :rolleyes:
Fact is, Dream Theater would have been jack and shit without WB's promotion. Simple as that.

I just pulled out my Images and Words cassette.... bought new.... you know back in 1992 when Pull Me Under and Under a Glass Moon were on radio.... you know before the Grunge movement shut down metal radio play. A tape I went out of my way to make a special trip to the city to buy after I stopped on the side of the road and wrote down the name of the band the second time I heard... which ever song it was. Well this tape says ATCO a division of Atlantic who no doubt signed the band due to their lack of talent or creativity.... you know like that other guy popular around the same time... whats his name ?..... Kurt Cobain? The I hate Dream Theater fanboi club is pathetic.

I came by Symphony X, because around 2000 I was checking out DT on Amazon to see if there was anything I had missed and the little thing on the side there that says "buyers who bought Dream Theater _ _ _ _ also bought Symphony X _ _ _ _ ". End of story

Ya'll could prolly make a better stance (as far as sheep go) if you started crying "the only reason Dream Theater got anywhere was because they were a bunch of sellouts when they released their second album Images and Words because they had two.... OMG.... radio songs" :rolleyes:

But whatever, Im sure those highest in the know of all bad things Dream Theater got a real good line through first hand experience on how such a freak thing as their success ever took place

here... let me relieve some tension for ya'll........ :waah: