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hatebreeder is the only album from them that's but an inkling of musical entertainment and/or joy.
well, i will add my two cents, not that it matters.

the obvious bands that come to mind are metallica, machine head, soilwork, in flames, arch enemy and cob, as far as popular metal bands go. in flames are probably one of the more obvious examples, considering the drastic change from clayman to reroute to remain. at least metallica eased into their change, watering down slightly from mop to justice, much more from justice to tba, then more to load.

bands like megadeth and machine head are just utter shite when they try to sell out and fail, then try to go back to being a "metal" band. sorry, but you cant make a rap metal album like the burning red and expect people not to remember.

and for the record, cob did sell out and yes, they used to be a solid band.
Devy_Metal said:
well, i will add my two cents, not that it matters.

the obvious bands that come to mind are metallica, machine head, soilwork, in flames, arch enemy and cob, as far as popular metal bands go. in flames are probably one of the more obvious examples, considering the drastic change from clayman to reroute to remain. at least metallica eased into their change, watering down slightly from mop to justice, much more from justice to tba, then more to load.

bands like megadeth and machine head are just utter shite when they try to sell out and fail, then try to go back to being a "metal" band. sorry, but you cant make a rap metal album like the burning red and expect people not to remember.

and for the record, cob did sell out and yes, they used to be a solid band.

Machine Head had one good album, Burn My Eyes.
Machine Head's Burning Red was sooo disappointing. and Supercharger wasn't much better. the latest one is ok.... The More Things Change was excellent imo, I can't understand why they didn't develop that more adventurous sound further, it's a shame.
New bodom is utter shit and lahios gay presentation always pissed me off.
Carcass didn't sell out, swansong is an AWESOME metal album, maybe if they made more albums and they stuck with the swansong sound, then you would have something to actually complain about, but just because it isn't like there old shit doesn't mean they sold out on that album.
Megadeth a back on track, but obviously they sold out in there bullshit era of "risk" and that.
I would consider In Flames as sell outs because... they didn't really try a new style they just went to boring shit.
I don't know about slayer... still want to see them live same with metallica, but not for the new shit, although a few slayer and metallica songs are good on their last 3 albums.
>>>>>>>Machine Head are one of the biggest sell-outs in the world. They went from being a great Post Thrash/Groove Metal band to Nu Metal now they are just puss-metal with the last album.


I think their last release is equal to their first one - very solid thrash groove metal. I think they did have some cd's in between that strayed, but their newest one was definitely a surprising return to form.

Bodom I would not consider as sell outs - they are still all metal. No clean vox or attempts to appeal to more people in my mind, they are just a little stale because they are running out of fresh ideas.
The first two machine head cds are average at best and then the band started becoming wiggers getting into korn. who cares

I'm guessing hypocrisy sold out also. I've heard some pretty awful nu-metallish stuff where the singer is like 'DON'T FUCKING JUDGE ME,ETC... hilarious.
In my opinion I also feel that Rotting Christ kinda sold out, being a black metal band, then suddenly changing to more gothic, kinda like cradle of filth but still a bit better. Althought I heard there newest album was more of a return to black metal, still have to listen to that one.
soilwork may be selling out/sold out but i still think they kick ass...of course stabbing the drama can't stack up to an album like a predator's portrait or an0other bjorn based band like disarmonia mundi but i don't give a fuck soilwork is still good...and now that i've said that...

i like a couple of the songs from CoB new album but older CoB kicks new CoB in the balls and calls it a queerass faggot
Devy_Metal said:
why does something good have to come out of it? at least we arent going off topic. or flaming each other.

Give it time.

My two cents on the Machine Head part of the discussion - Burn My Eyes and The More Things Change were utter ruleage, still two albums that get a lot of spins in casa del Dill today. The Burning Red was an utter wankpile, devoid of decent riffs, hamstrung by an utterly ball-less production, and topped off with the catastrophically bad idea of Robb Flynn rapping - something which later went on to plague Supercharger which, while a few tracks had decent riffs again (Bulldozer springs to mind), was still far short of the standard set by their first two. Through The Ashes Of Empires is far better than the last two records, but not as good as either of the first two.
Krigloch hates Tape Nuts said:
dont you guys know that Dave has brought Megadeth back to its metal roots. lol
haha Megadeth sucks. In their career they only released two albums that I kinda like, and those two are still far from being even close to favorites of mine.
Maybe define what you mean by "sold out", changing sound to something the >artist< likes and not what they media/label told them to change not selling out.

Case in point. Katatonia, as much as i like the old albums, they did not sell out, they changed their sound to what they wanted, and they dont care what opinions some people may have.

Children of Bodom - Its touchy, because you can clearly see that the sound changed the minute they finally started touring the U.S., but then again alexi always said that music is more of a hobby for him, then a job so he doesnt care as long as he plays and drinks, but then again you can say the labels told them to change their sound so they can tour more of the world, which is probably the case, which means they mostly likely sold out.

Cradle of Filfth - Err...with all the band member changes over the years, cradle died years ago honestly, you cant say they sold out or whatever, they shouldve changed their band title years ago basically.

Honestly im sure i can think of more examples, but the bottom line is i cant say a band sold out because they changed their sound, you gonna tell me a band like Sigh sold out? Because they went more avant-garde sound? Honestly people grow up, so do artists, they wish to expand their horizons.
I-Oblivion-I said:
In my opinion I also feel that Rotting Christ kinda sold out, being a black metal band, then suddenly changing to more gothic, kinda like cradle of filth but still a bit better. Althought I heard there newest album was more of a return to black metal, still have to listen to that one.

I've heard the song "Visions of a Blind Order" from their new album and it is quite good. It is very black metal, but the gothic element is still there.
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