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dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
Selling out is changing your style in order to meet commercial standards. Ulver changed their style of music because they obviously just wanted to do something different.

No shit. My comment, which everyone else seems to have understood in context, was regarding the fact that Burzum AREN'T the only band who've stopped playing metal without selling out.
Impudent said:
Katatonia are still good. I love their newer style.
Their new style is just plain rock... It's a bit better than the rock found in the mainstream but it still pales in comparison to their early work... I think that if it was another band releasing The Great Cold Distance metal heads would shun it.
Impudent said:
No, and you are stupid. There are plenty of other metal bands that have stopped playing metal, or changed their style, and didn't "sell out".

Satyricon, sort of.
Décadent said:
No shit. My comment, which everyone else seems to have understood in context, was regarding the fact that Burzum AREN'T the only band who've stopped playing metal without selling out.

Sorry I actually meant to quote the person that posted after you.
ive read lots of places that bodom sold a personal fan of follow the reaper...i thought that was thier best album......and i was talking about that time anthrax did that collaboration with some rap group and made like a song or an album all kinda hip hoppish/funk...was kinda wierd....was like WTF
I like Bodom too! AYDY wasn't as good, but I still like it. Although Punch Me I Bleed sounds like a retard. And uhm, that song, I think it was If You Want Peace Prepare For War, that one sounds LOADS like Disasterpieces by Slipknot, and Slipknot sold out, so does that mean Bodom sold out? Eh, I couldn't give a shit, I like them anyway. Why does it matter if a band sells out?
I was just after what people thought of the topic, i don't get to discuss metal very often because I live in a city of like 50,000 people in the praries of canada where NO one talks metal. Im just trying to find out what the outside world thinks of topics like this.
P.S. Just finished watching Metal: A Headbanger's Journey, was wondering what people thought of that(ive seen it like 10 times:D)
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