I think what's his fuck there .... billy joe is a piece of shit. I remember when they played community halls back in the day and wore dresses on stage. I took offense to the "concept album" American Idiot. I don't like the idea of making fun of a country that is responsible for your popularity, and the nice new teeth bought with US $$$. We maybe a country controlled by the media as he sings, but he would be nothing with out the media. And how about the fact that when he made it big, he lost all his friends and wasn't welcome in his own home town.
The songs are poppy and catchy, but I think he is shit. I also saw them on the AOL sessions that were on TV, they introduced themselves as "the green day trio" I guess I need to check my glasses or learn how to count. there were 5 guys on stage. The 3 of them, a rythm guitarist, and a guy playing keeboards. OOOOPS!!!!
I guess I'm and idiot for knowing how to count.........3 + 2 = green day trio?#! , hmmm.....