Boost Pedals

...and another huge rant that, i'm assuming, could be boiled down to "do a search and/or check the TS FAQ"

i don't know though, cause i'm not going to waste the time to read it all
Actually, you'd be dead wrong. Oh, no, it looks like not reading something can result in not knowing what was said before! Whatever shall we do?

do i need to go on a spirit journey to find the tube whisperer? Can you give me one tip that will make my mixes sound exactly like andy`s? I really just want to be really good with no effort on my own behalf.
Leonidus asked bulb himself how to pwn and win with only a POD... last mistake he ever made.

Everyone says he died at Thermopylae... true cause of death: bulb CHARGIN HIZ LAZOR! BLAAAAGH!
