Bootcamped my MBP, but meh, it's no use

ze kink

Yeah, still can't use the cool free VST's I want to. I'm running Vista 64bit SP1 which is working fine and all, just can't make it work with my Profire 2626. After I play back audio, it starts to get choppy and crackly, and some time after that, no sound at all. I've been messing around with different settings, reinstalling drivers, disabling the integrated Realtek card etc. but it's no use, the same thing happens every time.

At least I can game on my MBP now, which is why I installed Vista for, not for recording. Still, it would've been cool to get to try the Nick Crow 8505 etc. :(

Well, I guess I'll just install Orange Box now, perhaps it'll cheer me up :lol:

...Anyone else perhaps gotten the same combination to work?
i think what he's trying to say is - it's a 64bit OS.

driver support is at best flaky, and running 32bit plugins is gonna cause a hella overhead. back to 32bit you now! haha.

I've been waiting for over a year for a fix on this issue....can't connect a firewire interface on a bootcamped mac using any windows os...I have xp pro, it recognizes the hardware when installing but in your daw, it doesn't show up...and if it'll get that crackly poppy sound that you described. I've tried Motu, Protools and recently Fw400...still no fix...I might sell my macbook pro because of this issue.
I would look to the fact that you are using a 64bit OS first.

edit: oops yes I left the "64" out initially making my post gibberish.

The other thing to consider is that apple only began to support this in 2008 so if you have an older MBP you may run into issues as well.

I have an early 2008 MBP so it should be supported. It's the 2.5ghz model BTW, 4gb's of ram (which is why I got the 64bit Vista).

I couldn't get HL2 to work either :lol: oh shit. After a bit of googling though, I found out it's a very common Vista 64 problem. Need to try running it in 32bit mode and see if it works. It seems that installing Vista, especially the 64bit version, is still just asking for trouble.