OMG!!! The profire 2626 at DV247 (UK online shop) ...... 352£ (383€
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it's so cheap because the £ is really low now. Here in Italy 2626 is 660€!!!

Well yeah, I definitely think it's safe to say D/A converters make a much more noticeable improvement, since that's what you're hearing a whole mix through, whereas with A/D converters they're all just bringing in tracks and converting them individually. I've definitely noticed a difference in stereo field depth and clarity between converters (though this is between a PodXT, Mackie Onyx Satellite, and laptop sound card- interestingly enough, the Pod was the best)
I haven't read the whole thread but why not purchase a 2626 and keep using sonar? That way you're not stuck with 18 track limitation in PT. Keep PT on hand to satisfy the naive customers that expect PT but use Sonar for the rest of your projects.
I haven't read the whole thread but why not purchase a 2626 and keep using sonar? That way you're not stuck with 18 track limitation in PT. Keep PT on hand to satisfy the naive customers that expect PT but use Sonar for the rest of your projects.
Ugh, now I'm tyring to decide between Protools 8 Academic, and non-Academic. Academic seems to come with the Digitranslator, and the timecode ruler, and it's $100 cheaper than non-academic. Anyone know if Academic is somehow crippled?
18 track count limitation? It is actually 48 tracks now in Pro Tools 8.
To stay on topic with the thread... I love both of my Profire 2626's. I run the 2nd one via ADAT into my first one. I originally got my first so I could just use Pro Tools for whenever I needed it and I ended up loving Pro Tools so much I switched from my other DAW.
Uhm...I've a question...
I can't find the full program of protools 8 anywhere but only the upgrade (120$).
If I don't have protools 7.4, can I install the upgrade to have my pt8?
In the official store there are these upgrades only..
Uhm....actually I can't find the boxed version anywhere...also from an official vendor.
This thing is not too much clear... Now I need PT8 and I don't know if I have to buy the 7.4 and the upgrade (don't know if it's free yet) or if the upgrade can work as a complete new program..
I've heard that the DAE isn't as good in academic versions, this is coming from reputable sources. I personally don't know; i used to use academic 7.3, then i got a free upgrade to regular 7.4. I can't tell an audible difference. When i would take my mixes from home to HD systems they would sound much better though. It might be different now with PT8.
Well, to be fair, the academic version in version 7 was certainly different.its just a damn sticker on the box
that's the only difference
Ha! I'm going to have to look into those Behringer boxes I suppose.Their HD converter boxes can be considered pro, but their LE offerings are pure crap. They're just overpriced dongles.
I would maintain to keep the mbox and run a good interface via the SPDIF connection. RME is about the lowest I would go, quality-wise, if I was trying to go for a professional sound. M-audio gear doesn't inspire me with confidence. Though my mind does take me back to that converter shoot out between a Lynx Aurora and Behringer ADA8000 on gearslutz, where more people actually liked the sound of the Behringer unit! They're insanely cheap and give 8 ins, though I'm not sure if they connect via SPDIF. Might need ADAT for em. They're certainly worth a shot. Their pres suck, but the conversion seems to fool most, so all you need to do is run a good channel strip into it and you're dandy.
wow... this whole thread is so timely for me, as i've just been informed that the Mbox inputs are crap and that i really need to upgrade if i plan on getting tracks mixed professionally. i've been naive this whole time, thinking that the hardware coming to the line in were critical, not giving much consideration to the hardware in the magic box (that whats it stands for right?) might suck ass.
I think M stands for music, but yes they do suck
anyways, everyone on this thread seems to agree that the Profire 2626 is a great piece, better than the 003 right? what about the Profire 610? Would that unit have the same quality, "pro" hardware and converters, just less inputs?
The Profire hardware is definitely a better value than the 003, price vs performance.
The 610 requires PT 8, its the same as the 2626 but fewer I/O.
I wanted to significantly upgrade my core recording system (but stay in protools, i really dont wanna have to learn another DAW)... could i get the Profire 610 and ProTools 8 and be good to go? Would I have to buy M-Powered ProTools or can i upgrade my 7.3 to 8 and it would still work with the ProFire hardware?
Unfortunately You can't upgrade from 7.3 LE to 8 M-Powered. You'll have to get the boxed version of 8 M-Powered.
Sorry if these sound like noob questions, but i was naive enough to believe that Digi hardware was "pro".
You might be thinking of the Educational version.Well, to be fair, the academic version in version 7 was certainly different.