If you are talking to me specifically, then yes, most of my recording is just 1 or 2 inputs. However, I need at least 8 (preferably more) inputs for tracking drums. Thus, the Profire 2626 seems better since I can use 16 non-built in preamps, where as with the 003, I can only use 8 non-digi preamps. (Although realistically, the time I get 16 "other" pres is pretty far off)
I know there's the DV Toolkit for LE, but is there any video capability in M-Powered built in? The Digi website is a bit vague.
I'll have to check out your review of the 2626. The biggest draws for me over Digi is the fact that the 2626 is more expandable (2 ADAT as opposed to 1) to use better pres, Line-ins bypass the preamp circuit (I believe they don't in the Digi stuff), the drivers don't lock into PT, and the 2626 seems to work better as a general soundcard (I plan to use it as my system soundcard, not just recording interface). Plus, I probably wont need the toolkits (can use other software if I need more than 48 tracks, or if I need to do video work). Even if the 2626 and Digi stuff were the same price, I'm almost 100% sure I'd go 2626.
Do HD systems completely ignore the CPU in your comp? All processing is ont he DSP chips, and none is on the CPU, right?
Also, I wasn't trying to say the 2626 is perfect. I just can't really understand why anyone would want a 003 over it, unless they already had an LE system.