I was just surfing the Trade board on UM, and heard ALOT of crap about this dude...check it out cause you jsut might be a victim!! Ive also seen him post around here advertising his site...so ya know...just tryin to help fellow Opeth fans out and not be sucked in 
original post by :Soulless
the link to the message is :

original post by :Soulless
Watch out for this guy:
Volkan Demiroz / MetalVideos, Inc (Turkey)
Fisical Address: Havacilar Sitesi 4.blok, No:83 06200 Demetevler, Ankara/TURKEY
Email Adress: volkan@immortalvideos.com / volkan@metalvideos.tv
URL: www.imortalvideos.com / www.metalvideos.tv
The story behind this guy is incredible. He runs a video selling website by the name of immortal videos. In this website he lists all of his stuff just like a regular web store, including your own shopping basket (possibly because he is located in a third world country were it is possible to sell copyrighted stuff like that) but he says he also trades. He will ask you for some of your stuff and hell tell you he might be interested in it; after you send hell acknowledge that he has received it and youll never hear from him again!!! I was personally ripped by this asshole in 15 cds and some close friends of mine were too. Now some of my own stuff is now for sale in his website. This is the worst kind of ripping Ive seen on my years as trader . Apart from this he also rips the bandwidth of other websites with downloadables at his site. Can you believe this? This piece of shit must die or be stopped!!!
Keep metal alive!
the link to the message is :