Borderlands OST


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Any of you that love dark ambient/cinematic soundtracks as much as I HAVE TO GET THIS.

Borderlands is one of the most distinctive and quirky games to come out in recent times, and a lot of the great atmosphere is contributed by the awesome compositions done by Jesper Kyd, Raison Varner and the other artists on this soundtrack.

Awesome dark ambient scores, awesome thrilling action pieces. This is music to make you forget the world tolerates crabcore!
The amount you keep telling me to listen to this is crazy, I should probably get less lazy and check this out.
I loved Borderlands and played it ALOT when it came out.
Reminded me of Diablo 2 with the endless item hunt.

But sadly they ruined it with the chests you can farm in easy areas, made it too boring and mind numbing.

EDIT. but yeah the whole style and music is really nice and fresh :)
Is it? I´ve beaten the game and haven´t noticed the OST at all, and I usually remember this kind of thing (I can´t play a single note on Nexus VSTi without thinkin on Mass Effect!).
Torrents usually have the fan made OST compilations. You can get it here:

I also don't remember any music. lol. I'll check this out, but I'm a huge fan of the game but I honestly don't have any recollection of any music that stands out to me.
In return Ermz... checkout the OST's for Silent 1, 2, 3, and 4.... amazing stuff. Akira Yamaoka is one of my favourite game composers.
Akira Yamaoka is a fucking genius. Silent Hill 1's soundtrack is monumentally chilling! Ambient, Noise, Drone GENIUS right there