Incandescence – Chapter Two:- The Replacement Phase


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Incandescence – Chapter Two:- The Replacement Phase
Gizeh Records – 2004
By Russell Garwood


Chapter Two:- The Replacement Phase is the sophomore album from Incandescence, a solo project of Paul Priest (Tangaroa, Canvas, Eye Of Phetkanha). Continuing in a similar vein to Chapter One:- The Second Phase, the music on display is an eclectic mix of both harsh and less extreme electronica. It also marks a progression for the solo project; increasingly confident, and technically accomplished, the transition between styles and shades are smoother, and the pieces more cohesive. Also present is increased melody. While the noisy, sometimes rhythmic, often amorphous sections remain, there is often a driving bass-line, making for more structured songs. Listed as sub-genres covered on the press release are “dark ambient, trance, techno, tech-step, quirky, orbital hypnosis and progressive”. These seem about right to me, but can all be collated under the (in this case) accurate moniker, intelligent electronica. For it is clear that a great deal of thought has been put into the aims of this project.

The emotional range covered is notable – eerie voices are augmented by black noise, , yet juxtaposed by subtle-synth melodies and more-concrete drums. The subtle atmospheres created are effective, and the compositions more fluid than on Chapter One.Incandescence has clearly improved, with an original sound, and more accessible, yet still unusual music. The production is of a high standard, in an overall strong release, making it hardly surprising that the act has just signed with England’s Gizeh Records. Still likely to attract only a select audience, The Replacement Phase is another solid release, and well worth checking out for fans of experimental electronica.


Incandescence at Audiostreet
Incandescence at Soundclick
Gizeh Records website
Raw Nerve Promotions website
hey russell, major thanks for this review, glad you liked the newer works..

still some tracks are available from both download sites, along with a couple of the newer tracks from the forthcoming release as well..

not strictly a signing to gizeh, but i think gizeh and incandescence will be working in close proximity over the coming future, and i am more than proud to be involved with such a quality label..