Incandescence – Chapter One, The Second Phase


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Incandescence – Chapter One, The Second Phase
Self-released – Demo 2003
By Russell Garwood

Solo project from Paul Priest of Tangaroa, Narcosis, Canvas and Eye Of Phetkanha fame, Incandescence is a stripped-down harsh ambient project. For the most part consisting solely of noise, ebbing tones and minimalistic rhythms, Chapter One, The Second Phase is a solely computer-generated release. At times a thin veil of white noise is dominant, above percussive mechanical murmuring, while in more structured moments beats, and even semblances of melody in the form of shimmering synths, come to the fore. Standout “Pure Hypnosis Amongst The Chaos” provides contrast, with more extreme guitar tones, used repetitively to create a similar effect to the noise. It goes to prove that, despite a rough exterior, once treated correctly distorted guitar can have a lulling effect. More extreme electronics add further variety and make for a more original, if less accessible release. There are even nods to the more intense forms of metal.

With such a cut-back sound, and an emphasis on texture rather than structure and form, Incandescence is an acquired taste. While I would be interested in seeing more tangible musical elements to counteract the experimental sections, I can appreciate them for their effectiveness and ambience. Further standouts include an interesting new take on The Gathering’s “These Good People”, and the chilled “Day One – The Wanderer Returns”. The production is of a high standard, and makes for a well rounded release. Despite any minor complaints over the highly stripped-down approach, Chapter One, The Second Phase shows potential, and is strongly recommended to fans of the increasingly transgressive side of electronica. A solid debut.


Free samples can be downloaded here
hey mate
cheers for doing this review, look forward to seeing what you make of the 2nd one, which is tons better and more confident as well..
anyone wanting to check out some stuff from both this and the mentioned 2nd album, please check out the two links here:-
which includes an interview and message board, please leave your comments..

cheers again mate, hope all is well.