Bored and tied to my computer

shadow dragon

it's not a step too far
Oct 30, 2005
I need entertaining! The only way I can leave my computer during daylight hours in the next 5 days is if someone on here knows an awful lot about Freudian psychoanalysis and its relevance to Shakespeare. I'm guessing that's no-one then? So if anyone wants to cheer me up/entertain me then I'll be really grateful. I might even share a funny video I just got sent about Emo kids. (heh heh heh...)
Also, if anyone knows a way of getting out of going to a Rooster gig on Wednesday night, suggestions please. I've considered drinking too much and passing out just before, but there seems to be an unhealthy theme developing there...
Emo video. Now.

Sounds like your Freudian/Shakespeare thing is a good excuse to get out the gig...nobody will want to go with you if you talk about it enough :loco:
heh heh here's the link to the vid, enjoy!

Oh no, it's raining! My witch hair will get ruined! NOW I know why they wear those big hats.

I've been informed I don't look like a witch anyway, apparently I look like 'Christina Scabbia raids Dimmu Borgir's wardrobe with a stupid hat and plastic witch fingers'.
So sue me!
wish I'd kicked those blokes who beat me up tonight in the balls actually. With my 4 inch stiletto heels. I'm obviously losing my feisty streak. *sigh*