Big favor for the band to do for my undeserving self


Low Talker
Jan 22, 2003
New Jersey, USA
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In my visual communications class, we're making these big poster things, and te idea is that we have to know Photoshop, Illustrator, and Quark to do it. The whole theme thing for the posters is that it's supposed to be a promo for a band that's going on tour. So of course I instantly thought of Skyfire.

So I was wondering if there was any chance that one of you would be able to send me pictures of the band that are high-res enought to be printed, at least 150 dpi, but preferably more. Or if that doesn't work, if you just have any really big pictures, I can adjust the resolution. Either way works.

Also if anyone else here knows where I can find any high-res pictures of Skyfire, then that would seriously rock.

If anyone can help me, I'd be in your debt for a really really long time.
I have the photo from the band poster for the Korean tour at a decent size. Maybe that could be of help.
Gadlor, that would kick more asses than there are in the United States if the band doesn't have anything to give me. It would be pretty much perfect considering it's the same kind of thing that I'm making.

And F_V, it'll be the first thing I do as soon as I finish. I'd send one to everyone if my school would let me print that much.

Oh man. Gadlor owns my soul.

I blew up the picture Gadlor gave me and gave it a median filter in Photoshop to reduce the blurryness, and it definately will work. It looks like it was painted, it's pretty cool. So I don't think I need help anymore.
Here's what I've got. I'm not sure if I'm done or not. Any ideas or anything? I kind of like it like this, I'm just not sure about the code-ish text. I go to a tech school, so I think everyone will get it though, not that there's even much.

Oh, and for some reason it turned out lighter when I saved it. You can't see through the members quite as much on the real thing, but I think I'm gonna try to get it to look that way if I can, I kind of like it.

I'll make a headbanging fruit animation for the first person that finds the Iced Earth reference.
I know nothing of Iced Earth :tickled: But dude, your skillz cannot be doubted. Good job!
Whatever the Iced Earth reference is, it went way over my head, than again I only have their four most recent albums heh.

Looks good though man. I know your going for the computer look, but might want to try out different fonts. Maybe something that jumps out at ya a little more.
We took a vote to see which two got printed, and I'm one of them :headbang:

By the way, we did all print them in parts and had to glue them down together, and mine looks fuckin badass. I swear to God I'm going to Kinko's and sending these to everyone.