it boggles my mind.

dam, as if i forgot Pantera and Slayer, and i only posted the other day saying i thought they were gr8!!

from England hmm... "Cradle Of Filth, Bal-Sagoth & Stampin' Ground" come to mind but there are prob many more
Originally posted by TrueBeliever
America is not a bad country, but it is not the best either. Everyone here brags about "freedom and democracy" like we're the only country who has it. I do not appove of many of the things that our government and the CIA have done. I see no reason why I should feel loyalty for this country.

I ask this out of curiosity, not out of desire for political flame war. So, with that said, I'm interested to hear IYO what would be a better place to live and why?
Originally posted by Shmeir
well, im not sure myself because of course there is stereotyping of Americans by the English so what i imagine to be a typical American is prob far from the truth

as ive mentioned all i know is the stereotype given to Americans by my fellow Englishmen so i guess i dont know at all.

i would appreciate ur opinion tho
@Schmeir/TrueBeliever: Are you 2 serious about Iron Maiden? :lol: You're PRETTY SURE they're British? Damn, :lol: again.

How about Judas Priest? My Dying Bride, Black Sabbath/Ozzy, Def Leppard (hey, their old stuff still kicks some booty), Motorhead, and more...

American bands: Cannibal Corpse (blech), Morbid Angel, DEATH, Testament, Exodus, Anthrax, Iced Earth, Queensryche, Jag Panzer, Kamelot, Dream Theatre, Symphony X, Virgin Steele, Manowar, Judas Iscariot, W.A.S.P., Nevermore, Agalloch, Nile, Origin, Megadeth (RIP), Dragonlord, Burnt By The Sun, Mastodon, Hate Eternal, Serberus, Slayer, Absu, Pantera, Jacobs Dream, Wolf...there's more. I'll go on if you want.
Originally posted by Shmeir

as ive mentioned all i know is the stereotype given to Americans by my fellow Englishmen so i guess i dont know at all.

i would appreciate ur opinion tho

It's hard for me to give an opinion without knowing what I'm commenting on. What is the stereotype? And then I'll tell you if it's true or not...
well firstly all those bands u listed 80% i have never heard so i couldnt coment on that and i dont know what country Iron Maiden are from cause i dont really like them as ive already said so im not likely to know.

the general stereotyping of an American by a Brit would be along the lines of Patriotic, loud, fanatic about a sport (baseball, football etc) and a high percentage are thought to be fat.
Originally posted by Shmeir
well firstly all those bands u listed 80% i have never heard so i couldnt coment on that and i dont know what country Iron Maiden are from cause i dont really like them as ive already said so im not likely to know.

the general stereotyping of an American by a Brit would be along the lines of Patriotic, loud, fanatic about a sport (baseball, football etc) and a high percentage are thought to be fat.


That's so funny! Really, and no, I'm not offended, that's why they're called stereotypes. What's hilarious is that quite a bit of it is true. I am patriotic, but not blindly (for example, I love my country, but I'm certainly not thrilled w/ President Bush or the way our government works). I am certainly loud and make no bones about it! I am a sports fanatic also, baseball & hockey are my 2 favorites. But I've seen sports "fanatics" in other parts of the world; the USA doesn't even compare. And no, I'm not fat. There are a lot of fat people here though. Most of our foods are high in fat content or something like that. But with McDonalds growing larger and larger all over the world, you'll soon all look like us! Muwahahahahahahahah! :grin:
indeed, McDonalds are all over England aswell, along with many other fast food joints!! and 1/3 of the British population is now over weight!!!!

as for the sports bit, i guess that can be said about ANY country really!!! i like Formula 1 racing, cricket and football (soccer that is)
no way, more than the entire count in England?!?!?!

doesnt that worry you at all, as for drugs i am strickly against the hard ones, like A & B Class drugs, but in my opinion alot of the C Class drugs are as harmful as Alcohol and that aint illegal!!

which F1 driver do you support, if any???
Originally posted by TrueBeliever
I like F1 and superbike, but i hate nascar. 1/3 is nothing, US is at least over 50%.

Apart of being overweight theres also a lot of other great things about the US. Like drugs and murders. I live in a small state, and we have more murders a year than England does.

Call a spade a spade. There are drugs and murders everywhere in the world. I don't know what state you live in, but the population of the USA dwarfs most countries, England's included. So your statement about "having more" than England might matter or might not matter.
ah, a man after my own heart!!

Shumacher is the man and i have to agree with ur view on marijuana.

do u feel safe living where u do with all those murders etc??? have u ever been in a situation where some1 has held a gun up 2 u or what ever!?!?!?!?!

maybe i should get icq instead of using the forum for this kinda chat!!
Originally posted by Charlie E.
I think everyone who plays extreme music is very down to earth actually.
I was reading on the DT boards about how a fan just happened to visit Sweden and he called up DT and they went to have a beer.
Underground success isn't the same as Mtv TRL success I think. At least it doesn't get to people's heads. Aghora sold 10,000 cd's without ever playing live once, and I feel no different than I did before that.
Everyone who plays in bands whether they're successful or not, are all real people. :cool:

That's another thing i love about our music ....the bands look at the fans as equals and not as worse or better... there is common respect among everyone.
Originally posted by markgugs
@Schmeir/TrueBeliever: Are you 2 serious about Iron Maiden? :lol: You're PRETTY SURE they're British? Damn, :lol: again.
yeh no shit haha. i was shaking my head as well.
as far as countries that are better than USA...theres many countries out there that have a very similar system of government as us, but are small enough so it works well. the main reason we have so many social problems is we have too many fucking people here. health coverage, unemployment, all that shit is because our system wasnt really designed for this many people. AND the gov is totaly corrupt, so any chance there was of shit going right goes right out the window in lieu of whoevers got the bux's interests. i dont have a solution to our problems, and i dont know if anyone really does. i will most likely remain in america, unless it gets to be even more of a police state than its headed towards already. we are losing our privacy and personal freedoms a little bit at a time, and when it gets to a point where i cant even go about my fucking business without harassment, i will leave. i kinda forgot what point i was headed to when i started this, it had somthing to do with the posts above.
and i still cant believe those 2 didnt know where maiden is from haha. one of the top 3 most important metal bands of all time. insanity.
It's definitely not safe in america. Its kinda funny, we had a bomb threat at our highschool, so they brought in dogs and everything. They had all the kids put their backpacks on the ground. The dogs stopped almost every fourth backpack (marijuana) and there was an entire gang of guys trying to conceal guns.
ya, i just bought timeless, and its a work of art.simply one of the best cds ive bought in a long time!you guys keep pushing the envelope and make the best damn metal possible!:)