it boggles my mind.

ha ha ha, i wouldnt disagree, after all its becuase of TD that we're all here i guess!!

when Skyfire as a complete band write new material how do u go about it??? is it like 1 person comes up with it all and tells the other member what he thinks they should play, or is it more like 1 person come up with a basic riff then u all build ur own bit around it???
Originally posted by Shmeir
ha ha ha, i wouldnt disagree, after all its becuase of TD that we're all here i guess!!

when Skyfire as a complete band write new material how do u go about it??? is it like 1 person comes up with it all and tells the other member what he thinks they should play, or is it more like 1 person come up with a basic riff then u all build ur own bit around it???
So far everything is being written by Andreas or Martin or both of them together, I often sit in the background and come up with constructive criticism :). Then we send it to Jocke and he learns the stuff. The vocals are arranged on rehearsal and in the studio...
Lyrics for the new album are written by me and Henke
constructive critisism!!! so basically u sit there and just say "thats shit" if u dont like it or "thats cool" when u do like it??? :lol:

ive never been able to write cool lyrics and THEN get it to fit with music
You got the picture... I use my right of veto when something sucks! ;)
Nah, same goes for all of us in the band I guess.... it's just easier for me to take part in the writing process since I live in the same apartment as Andreas :)

My lyrics haven't been arranged into any songs yet, so we'll see how it works :grin:
It's very interesting to learn and understand how a band usually work to make such great songs..... Did Andreas write The Universe Unveils too???? If so tell him he's a great music writer as I'm trying to write the tabs for guitar but I stopped for now around the first minute as there's a great mess after that..... the pieces I tabbed for now aren't so simple to play though (if we consider the speed on which they're played in TD the difficult increase). Nothing to say if not that you're the "real" boys (as we fans can talk and get in touch with you) that I really admire.... and then you know, we're quite contemporaries (I was born in 1981) and so I feel you like brothers too....
@Jonas: This has in all likelihood been covered before at some point, but I need to know without searching high and low!

Is there ANY chance of you guys getting a decent opening slot on a tour in North America in the near future? We're really beginning to get more and more tours coming through, so it's not anywhere near as impossible as in years past (i.e. the whole '90s). In Flames has been here 3 times in 2 years, and is coming back again. Dark Tranquillity is about to headline a tour here, and Arch Enemy is coming back to do one of their own. Sentenced, Blind Guardian, Kreator, it's getting better and better, but how about you guys?!?!?! PLEASE!?
As our spokesman SilentD just declared, it very much depends on our label. Right now I think it's pretty impossible, but I have no idea of what has happened in about a year.. The dream would be to tour US and Japan! :)
being a lazy bastard i was wondering when some1 else was going to tab the bass lines for any of the Skyfire tracks!!!

also, im shocked that England wasnt included in your dream tour Jonas :waah: dont the little people count any more!!.... only kidding
excellent, i wouldnt want to think i was missing out on the action, and the free back stage pass :lol:

by the way, as soon as u have decided on the new albums cover would u email it to me so i can create some fliers to post around my area???
isnt CoF pretty big over there? youd think a good amount of CoF fans would dig skyfire as well. its almost kind of similar. ya know, keyboards an whatnot. get the word out shmeir!
well i said 'almost kind of similar' which really just means that he should make the CoF fans listen to skyfire too. they might like it. hell, i love both!
ur quite correct neal CoF are at least very well known throughout the metal fans over here, after all they are the most successful black metal band in the world, well they were last year, and they themselves are English.

im am convinced several of my close friends will love Skyfire, altho as of yet i havent actually played it to any of them!! but i shall do what i can to help promote Skyfire over here.
Hey Jonas I got a question for you. In another thread you meantioned that for the new album you'll be using less keyboards. I tried to find it but the threads are adding up and its getting harder to find these things! I was wondering if you guys are using less keyboards because you think it'll sound better that way (with less going on at once sorta thing) or because it'll make it easier to play live.. it obviously would be tough to play a song live with 4 keyboards going at once. Sorry if you answered this question already :spin: