SO I was sitting at the busstop this morning. I decided to walk across the street to get a bottle of water and I saw these two guys standing by the front steps of the condos across the way. They had coffee cups in their hands, but they were staggering around. So I went into the store, got my water and caem out and they were slowly staggering down the street towards the busstop. I seriously felt like I was in a scene of a zombie movie.
(totally made me think of this book I saw at Borders the other day : Zombie Survival guide hehe I had no shovel to cut their heads of with. I was doomed!! ) They both were reeking of alcohol, eyes like two slits, skin had a greenish hue to it and kinda mumbling/moaning to each other. Then they went opposite directions and bothe were talking to themselves. I'm thinking in my head please don't come by me, please don't come by me. Luckily the bus came before they got to the busstop and sat down.
Mind you it was 6:30 in the morning. These two were plastered! How do you do this? I suppose if it's a Saturday night and you're partying all night, but damn. I try not to drink before noon! It was just kind of funny.
And at least they weren't driving!!