Borknagar 1996

Dantven said:
FUck!! its fucking spelled fucking TONGUE not fucking tounge you fucking fucks.

SATAN said:
Fucking mother fuckers--rip TONGUE and fuck shit.

well..fuck me, he's fucking right. we've got ourselves a regular fucking einstein here. fuckedy fuck FUCK!
I guess i'm one of the few who don't really like the album. There are some good parts to it, but overall all i felt that the album pretty sloppy (for lack of a better word). IT was a straight up black metal album, and i'm glad Oystein took a more progressive approch for the later albums.
first one that I ever bought, when it came out. Shit I cant remember when it was released in the states, I know I ordered it from overseas somewhere.
This is too funny...but...I don't think we should run off new Borknagar fans...It is like being Borknagar elitists or something...we know Borknagar is the best fucking band in the world...we don't have to be bitchy to newcomers...