Borknagar.. live!


next in line...
Oct 15, 2001
Trondheim, Norway
kinda late but, just felt like writing down something from the trippel consert that Borknagar was headline at... in Trondheim.

well before the first band went on the stage(The Embraced), I met Tyr and Jens Ryland at the entrance... talked a little to them, but then again i were really drunk right there and then so i dont remember to much(this whole thing i s kinda affected by that :) ). But both of them seemed vere kind and they took good time with talking to me and my girlfriend.
and i remember them saying they looked forward to seing The Embraced but not much of anything else :)

but anyways, The Embraced enterd the stage, and i know the guys in The Embraced so i knew the songs pretty good.. but to tell the truth i dont remember what songs they playd, but there was alot from the new album The Birth.
and the drummer(Vargon) is really as wild live as he is on the album! and by the way, the session member(Knatt) playd TNT between the The Embraced songs, that was kinda fun :D

then there was Ram-Zet's turn.. the first thing they did was; puting on a TAPE! PLAYBACK!!
but then again what can u excpet? they got alot of sampling and stuff... and it was only the sampling and some other synth things that was on the tape... i certenly hope so, 'cuz they were good live, but i dont think the vocal was as good as on the album. and yeah, the bassplayer playd in skirt... and nothing else! haha kinda fun, but it reminded me all to much of some marilyn manson rippoff, and that i do not like!

and then there was the evnings greatest thing! Borknagar :D
just gotta say one thing, i heard Borknagar at Inferno Festival in Oslo in april.. and then i could sume up Vintersorgs vocal in one word; SUCK! but he did a really great jobb this night! he did it great on the old songs witch was orginally done by Simen.they playd surprisingly little from the newest album... wich i think is just as good, 'cuz what i was looking the most forward to was to hear Vintersorg on the old songs. and he was good :D
and it seemd that the have had alot of time working in the two new members, everything just fitted!
Lars Nedland, seemd to have a great time.. he was allmost constantly runing back and forth banging with the rest of the band! :headbang:

it was a really great metal night, with a lot of beer and alot of great music! :headbang: :headbang:
Nice to see a Borknagar fan here. I've bought "Empiricism" last week and it's one of my favourite albums now. It's also my first Borknagar album; I had known the band for some time, but didn't really check them out because they were always labeled as 'Black Metal' ...which I now know isn't true (at least not to 100%). I would rather call it Progressive Extreme Metal. :)
They have so much in common with Opeth...
(those of you who are reading this and don't know them yet: give Borknagar's new album a listen! (especially the song 'Gods of my World'))
Yeah I think its safe to say Empiricism is my favorite Borknagar release now. I have been listening to it everyday! It sounds much more progressive, Vintersorg really brought a lot to the band and having all that time to record it sure shows up on the album with how damn good it is.

Glad to see Bork played a good live show! I hope they come to the Northwest sometime :)
It's great to read that Vintersorg has become better
with Borkangar live, because the Inferno gig was
not exactly brilliant to be honest >:eek:P

But then again, Vintersorg's vocals on "Empiricism"
are better than ever. I am really looking forward to
seeing them live :eek:)

HellSpawn; Do you know of any dates in Oslo yet?
Their site has no details about this....
Originally posted by Blackspirit
HellSpawn; Do you know of any dates in Oslo yet?
Their site has no details about this....
i dont know about any other consert dates.. i dont think they have planed anything more yet?
but the page is really fast on updating so it will probably come there..