Borknagar livepics from Oslo!


there are no words left
Aug 30, 2001
Oslo, Norway
Whoi! Couldn't find the apropriate thread to put this
in so that you'd all see it....

Well, here are the pics I took yesterday -->

The setlist is not scanned in and uploaded yet...

I think you'll all hate me when I say Vortex joined
Vintersorg on vocals during Colossus yesterday!
Fantastic!!!! >:eek:)

It was a really good concert but the soundproblems
annoyed me >:eek:P hehe.... Still, I'm in ecstasy! :eek:)
And it would be great to see the pics that this other
dude took, he had a great camera and had it infront
of his face all the time! hehe... He must have some
brilliant shots! Pluss, the gig was filmed! >:eek:)
Thanx for sharing, Blackspirit! Nice site you've made for the pics also.

Too bad about the soundproblems though....but since you're still in ecstasy I believe the gig was remarkable anyway :D
Oh, My Gosh!!! That sounds AWSOME, Blackspirt!!! You got alot of great picutres!! I wish I could have been there!! Hope you had fun! ;)
Great photos.

Vortex joined Vintersorg on the vocals for colossus? That must have sounded awesome (so he didnt forget the words :p), it certainly looked like they were enjoying themselves.
Very well done, Blackspirit! I enjoyed the pics! And also kudos for the great website design!!!

Wow, the Doube Vs in action! Dream-team! ;) But hey, Colossus IS Vortex and no-one else. :D
hmmm. if i remember it right that was exactly the same setlist they played here in bergen yesterday :D Awesome stuff! my ears are still ringing :)
I'm glad you all like the pics! I was lucky with some
of those shots. I am there to enjoy the music, but
if I don't take any pics I'll regret it, you know?! :eek:)

I found out yesterday that I had missed out on a
great snap though! Vintersorg had flashed his
devilhorns at me while I was all too busy zooming on
Lars! lol! Sorry V-man! Let's try again next time! >:eek:)

I think #9 is my favourite, I just like the expression
on V's face, oh and Lars' hand of course >:eek:P hehe...

And yupp, brilliant setlist! :eek:)

Edit: Great pics from WOA Karldin!!! I fell in love with
"Øystein, a hand, Vintersorg and Lazare" >:eek:)
Same setlist in Kristiansand also...
I found it a bit sad that they didn't play more songs from their new album...
Will someone please translate that for me? I know its long but could you just give me the jist of what is being said? Please????!!!!