I missed my chance to smoke crack w/ Philcore and bone down Christina from Lacuna Co.

The best thing ever would be when I was going down on her, if she queefed on me. Aaaaahhhhhh, the romantic smell of a good queef. Guys, if you ever want to get a girlie to queef for ya, blow in her stinkbox when you're cleaning her carpet. You'll be impressed with the results (she, however may not)
TD said:
The best thing ever would be when I was going down on her, if she queefed on me. Aaaaahhhhhh, the romantic smell of a good queef. Guys, if you ever want to get a girlie to queef for ya, blow in her stinkbox when you're cleaning her carpet. You'll be impressed with the results (she, however may not)


That would suck balls to get queefed on, dude...
Whats the deal with Lacuna Coil?? i saw them with thrax a year ago, wasnt that impressed. Actually i thought they sucked ass, just another numetal pile of shit music.

Whats the deal with Lacuna Coil?? i saw them with thrax a year ago, wasnt that impressed. Actually i thought they sucked ass, just another numetal pile of shit music.


This thread is not about music it's about sex :grin:
Arg_Hamster said:
Thanyouverymuch! Here is a little something for us in the meantime.

Hmmmm...I would pee in her butt...and make her a champion.
I haven't heard but maybe one song. One band that has a preety good looking singer and great music is Arch Enemy but the singer (who reminded of Gwen) needs some singing lessons. Great old school speed metal.