Borknagar to play at Rockefeller?


Confused Norwegian
Oct 6, 2004
I peeked at the Rockefeller program, and I found this very surprising show scheduled for 30/9.

This is a concert in connection with Scream Magazine's 15th year anniversary, AND issue #100.

So, honourabla borkendales, can you confirm that you will actually play on this night?
asgeir said:
PS: You DON'T want to miss the surprise band on stage after us!!!

- Asgeir
I take it you confirm the show then..
This is the best piece of news in many months.
OK, but who'll handle bass and guitars?
Will you play newer stuff?

And I'm not 18 until October, but can you get me in, Asgeir? :D
won't be 18 until november... and that really sucks... missing out on a whole lot of gigs this fall... Borknagar, Opeth, Turbonegro, Nile & King Diamond... Any chnce of sneaking in perhaps? Know of any hidden tunnels or ventilation shafts, perchance?

Or just a fake id... it'd just be such a waste to go to oslo and then not get in...
If you look a little older or at the age of 18 you might be able to get in, unless security is really tight.
Well, if it was just a club night here where I live, sure. But now it's all the fuss about going to Oslo, paying for bus ticket and concert, with the added risk of not getting in at all.
After looking closer at Rockefeller's homepage, I noticed that this event is set to take place over two days, and tickets are either one-days or two-days, but the only date mentioned is the 30th. Was wondering if that means it's the 29th to the 30th or the 30th to the 1st? and in either case, on which day does Borknagar play? cos I had in mind taking the bus/train/boat/plane to oslo, watch Borknagar's gig and then go home the same day, sleeping on said bus/train/boat/plane. Need to know more details, though I suppose there's no hurry as none of the bus companies had posted any timetables for september... Anyways, anything would help. Thanks :)
asgeir said:
The party is Friday 30th and Saturday 1st. We play on Friday. This will probably be the only show we play this year.

- Asgeir

Thanks for the info Asgeir. Will be getting a one-day ticket then. Looking forward to this. Rivalling Maiden as gig of the year.
I can't believe I was so dumb to not check the Rockefeller site for more info before (Scream Mag site doesn't seem to have any?) it looks now, I'll be there too :)
Ive ordered a ticket. Borknagar will be great! hope its Immortal or Emperor as suprise, that would be grrrreat! Anyway, if its not, I still get to see Borknagar and it will be worth it.