Born in 58...


Apr 14, 2001
So im listening to Bruces best of and it hits me... not the cd, just this thought.
Doesnt Born in 58 sound like a cold chisel song? Put it on and imagine Jimmy screaming it.....freaky isnt it? Even the lyrics sound like something cold chisel would write! Tis a great song either way, one of my faves from bruce :D

Also, about silver wings, it is more iron maiden than iron maiden. Is it possible to rip yourself off? Anyways, silver wings rules too :D
Bruce covers 'All The Young Dudes' on Tattoed Millionaire.

Barnsey also covered it on his recent Soul Deeper album
Originally posted by Sydo
Bruce covers 'All The Young Dudes' on Tattoed Millionaire.

Barnsey also covered it on his recent Soul Deeper album
Curioser and curioser...has anyone ever seen Jimmy and Bruce in the same room?
This thread would be funny if I didn't HATE COLD CHISEL WITH A PASSION!!! AAAAGGGHHH!!!

Spawn, how could you even make such an outrageous comparison? "Born In 58" is a great song, perhaps my favourite on Tattooed Millionaire, while Cold Chisel wouldn't know a good song if it walked up to them in a bar, said "hello, I'm a good song", bought them a beer each and paraded around the place wearing a day glo orange T-shirt with "I'm a good song" printed across the front.

Why does Australian radio persist in playing on such heavy rotation a band whose entire catalogue is total and utter CRAP from beginning to end? It makes me sick, and fills me with murderous rage... Wrathy SMASH!!

As for your other suggestion about Bruce and Barnesy being the same person, have you lost your mind? Jimmy once auditioned for Deep Purple, but they wisely told him to bugger off and gave the vocal spot to Joe Lynn Turner. Just goes to show what they thought of Barnesy, doesn't it? ;).

Jimmy Page wanted Barnesy as a singer for a post Zeppelin project. They apparently met, but Barnsey wouldn't shut up, much to the annoyance of Mr Page.
So the idea was shelved. :lol:
well said Wrathy!

Although as much as I hate them, and Barnsey in particular, some of the stuff Ian Moss sang on was decent.

I think I probably wouldn't hate them so much if they weren't so overplayed on the radio, and there weren't so many pissed wankers who don't know jack shit about music yelling "play some chiselllllllls! best band ever mate! BAAAAAAAARNZEY mate!" at every pub I've ever been to.

And that fucking Khe Sahn or whatever its called is like a shit country n western tune or something. I think even Barnsey himself wants 'em to stop playing it on the radio.
For which, Mr Sydo, I'm eternally grateful :).

Speaking of other near disasters involving so-called Australian "musicians" (the few genuinely talented ones out there also happen to visit this board, BTW), did you know Jon Stevens auditioned for Van Halen?

Jon Stevens in Van Halen???!!! Thank the gods it never happened. David Lee Roth might not be the best singer in the world, but he's Luciano Pavarotti compared to that hack!

Where's that trusty vomit smiley when I need it?

Ok, after this thread and the phantom one, im taking the last plane out of Sydney, id better hurry as its almost gone :)
Spiff, am I really that predictable? :lol:

Sydo, what did you think of Cherone-era VH? I was a casual Extreme fan while they were around, and was very interested to hear that Gary had hooked up with Eddie and the boys. The album he made with them was a bit "arty" by Van Halen's standards, but my doubts were laid to rest when I saw them live in 98. Much as I'd like to see them reunite with Sammy Hagar and start making albums like 5150 or For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge again, it's a shame that Gary didn't get more of a chance to prove himself.

I can't say I've ever been a Van Halen fan actually. :cry:
So I shouldn't really be making comments about them or there choice in singers. :err:
OK, we can remedy this situation immediately. Go straight out and buy VH's Best of Volume I, closely followed by the self-titled album, 1984, 5150 and For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. Stick 'em all on repeat play and thank me when you've finished :).

But I can live without Jump and Panama. :cry:
Are their other, more non-commercial songs less crapppy? ;)
I had a nice long reply to this typed out, but the computer seems to have eaten it :confused: .

Anyway, the short answer is that you have to explore all the various album tracks to develop an appreciation for VH. The few keyboard-laden songs you hear on the radio don't show them at their best, but they were big hits at the time and that's why everyone remembers them.