Born of Osiris - Bow Down (Cover)


New Metal Member
Mar 27, 2012
Hey, guys. I'm really new to recording music and stuff. I just wanted to post this here to get some feedback on what i should do with the guitars and the whole mix.

Drums - Superior Drumer
Guitars- Both Lecto w/ Guitar Hacks Impulses (2 tracks)
Bass - Pod Farm

I haven't really tracked the solo yet. I was trying to figure out the instruments and ill probably redo my guitar track (left channel) but i'm just trying to learn and anything you guys can say will help me.

Edit: I don't really know how to EQ very good. I know some basics about High and Lo pass.. Uh, Idk how to compress very well. All the guitars are slammed at like -54db (lol) . I can't master either. I'm just a Studion00b.