Boss .br0 files - getting midi from them?


Apr 29, 2008
Hey everyone, hopefully someone will know a thing or two about this.. I have a new client who has recorded all his demos on a boss BR-something recorder, and we want to be able to just import the drums from his demos to use on the real thing. I figured this would be no problem, and we could just take MIDI files from it.

no go. The only thing it has is a bunch of ".br0" files, and I haven't been able to figure out what I can do with them.

Any ideas?
I'm not familiar with that recorder or .br0 files but if the recorder allows it you could try recording the audio output of each individual drum track. Or maybe make a mix down of each drum track. From there you could use drumagog to replace the drums/convert to midi or Toontrack Drumtracker to convert the audio to midi.