Boss DS-1 to tighten up Recto?


Aug 29, 2006
Austin, TX
I just bought a 3-channel Dual Rectifier Solo head with the 2x12 Recto cab (V30s). Got to really open it up for the first time yesterday. I love the sound of this amp, but the bass is really woofy. I'm not sure if it's more the cab or the nature of the amp (I'm aware that the bass can be loose on Rectos). My settings were:

Silicon Diode
Channel 3 Modern
Bass 11:00
Mids 10:30
Treble 12:00
Presence 9:00
Gain 2:00
Master 10:00

I found that changing to Vacuum Tube reduced some of the woofiness of the bass, but it's still not quite where I want it. I know everyone here swears by the Tube Screamer for tightening up low end on amps, but would a Boss DS-1 get the job done? I can get one used for really cheap.

Thanks for any help!
I hate my DS-1...and it's not much better after getting a mod for it.

Most go for a tube screamer and either a TS-9 or 808. Maxon or Ibanez....there's a few threads on this one on the board.
I use a maxon od808 with my krank and it works well. Some people use the badmonkey with good results and it's like... $25
I also have a 3 channel dual recto, an 808 and found it didnt tidy the bass that much. Oddly enough, i also have a Digitech bad monkey, which does wonders and puts a smile on my face every time i use them together and its much cheaper.

So, i suggest buying the monkey as its cheaper, if you dont like it, not much loss, but i guarantee it 100% . If you want the settings i use, or some clips, just give me a shout.
I ended up getting a TS-7 with the 808 mod. Pleased with the results thus far, but haven't had the opportunity to do a lot of work with it yet. Should be put to good use in the next few weeks.
Familia><Publica said:
I also have a 3 channel dual recto, an 808 and found it didnt tidy the bass that much. Oddly enough, i also have a Digitech bad monkey, which does wonders and puts a smile on my face every time i use them together and its much cheaper.

So, i suggest buying the monkey as its cheaper, if you dont like it, not much loss, but i guarantee it 100% . If you want the settings i use, or some clips, just give me a shout.

I may pick up one of these today. Settings would be great!
I think you'd find the DS-1 will do the opposite of what you're wanting to achieve...Great for adding a bit more sustain to a lead or as a clean boost (with help from the guitar volume control) but turns rhythm to squelchy mud.

Have you tried backing off the channel master to about half? I've not messed with the 3 channel Recitfiers for any great length of time so I don't know if it's the same - but my 2 channel starts to get a bit flabby when the channel master is over about 1:00. Then with the channel master down, It wouldn't hurt to put on a tad more bass upto say between 12:00 and 1:00

For what it's worth, I use a reissue TS9 (TS7 does do a very good job too for it's cost) but even without, with the above settings it's tight, like a tiger.
You could try the Boss SD1, I used to use one as a clean boost with my 5150 but now i use the Maxon OD808.
I've heard & read alot about Guitarists using a Boss Metalzone as a clean boost with Rectifiers, i know the guys from Cannibal Corpse do & their tone's awesome.
HeadCrusher said:
Maybe the SD-1 would do a better job.

Definatley go with the SD-1 b4 the DS-1. The DS-1 will just add mud to the distortion channel. The Bad Monkey however is a no-brainer for the cost alone. The circuit I believe is modeled after the TS/808. Not the same mind you but similar. The SD-1 can over-produce higher frequency signals and sound a little harsh so be conservative on the tone dial.
Ice_T's_Bobblehat said:
I think you'd find the DS-1 will do the opposite of what you're wanting to achieve...Great for adding a bit more sustain to a lead or as a clean boost (with help from the guitar volume control) but turns rhythm to squelchy mud.

Have you tried backing off the channel master to about half? I've not messed with the 3 channel Recitfiers for any great length of time so I don't know if it's the same - but my 2 channel starts to get a bit flabby when the channel master is over about 1:00. Then with the channel master down, It wouldn't hurt to put on a tad more bass upto say between 12:00 and 1:00

For what it's worth, I use a reissue TS9 (TS7 does do a very good job too for it's cost) but even without, with the above settings it's tight, like a tiger.

My channel master is only at 10 o'clock...that was a typo. I have the effects loop bypassed so the Main master control is non-functional.
Also, it's not really like the bass isn't tight, it's just really woofy. When I do palm mutes, the speakers sound like they want to die.
Well, the "woofy" sound is usually when the speakers can't handle the volume youre playing at, which is completely different to the lack of definition you hear when playing techinical shit on the recto. An o/d pedal will resolve the definition problem but not so much the broken cab sound.
Familia><Publica said:
Well, the "woofy" sound is usually when the speakers can't handle the volume youre playing at, which is completely different to the lack of definition you hear when playing techinical shit on the recto. An o/d pedal will resolve the definition problem but not so much the broken cab sound.

I'm playing through a 140 watt 2x12 Recto definitely seems like it should be able to handle the volume levels I'm giving it.
Familia><Publica said:
Just buy a monkey, it'll make the recto sound infinately better and chances are it'll cut those problem bass frequencies that are giving the speakers a hard time.

Gonna pick one up today...settings?
Familia><Publica said:
Level - Full
Bass - Zero ( i find it takes away the sound youre using it for )
High - 5:00/6:00 o clock
Gain - 9:00

Some clips of the monkey and 3 channel recto in action

Those clips sound GREAT! I just got back from GC with the Monkey. Can't wait to get home and try it out. Thanks for the advice. I really dig the tone you have in those clips. Mind sharing your Mesa settings? I'm still getting used to the EQ on the's so different from any other amp I've played.
Yeah sure, fairly unorthodox settings when i use the bad monkey with it.

Silicon Diode
Bass - Full
Mid - Full
Treble - 12 o clock
Presence - 4 o clock
Gain - Full

Bear in mind that these settings sound fucking awful without the bad monkey ( and its specific settings i mentioned earlier ) But i found those settings sound pretty sweet when using them with the monkey. The eq on the mesa works in such a stupid way that i find those extreme settings the only solution for me.