Boss GT 10 and headphones


New Metal Member
Sep 30, 2014
Hi guys, i was wondering if i can use 600 ohm headphones with Boss GT 10? I'm using Boss as audio interface and im not sure if i can hook up AKG k240 600 ohm headphones and hear well, since i've read that headphones with that amonut of immpendance need amp to be driven and to give full potential. If anyone can help, i would appreciate. Tnx.
Such question in my opinion shouldn't be asked but tried in practice. If it works (and it should since it has dedicated headphone output), everything is good and if not, than search for way to fix it.
I'm not afraid to try, its just i dont have an oportunity to try. Thats why i asked here. If i could borrow someone's headphones, i wouldn't be asking here, at all. Plendakor, u tried?
Plug them in and try it. It should be fine. If anything, they'll be too quiet and you may need an external headphone amp.

I've honestly never thought twice about headphone ohms and plugging them into any sort of headphone output.
I guess this is my only choice - to try. I asked here, cos i hope someone might have Boss GT 10 and 600 ohm headphones. Nvm, tnx all, anyway. I will let u know, what i've found out, when i try. (in case someone's wondering the same)