Boss GT-Pro


May 16, 2007
Im interested in getting one of these. I noticed that you can connect your pre amp so you can switch channels on it using the gt. It also looks like you can connect 2 different pres, and select from either as you like. Anyone have any experience with these?
Is it worth the extra money over the gt-8?

My setup is a rack system (rocktron power amp, peavey rockmaster pre amp).

Also anyone know whether you set the preamp in the fx chain... so you can have say OD then the preamp (rocktron) then the other fx as needed?
Also anyone know whether you set the preamp in the fx chain... so you can have say OD then the preamp (rocktron) then the other fx as needed?

If it's anything like the rest of the GT-series, there should be an i/o for a preamp or external distortion box. Similar to an effects loop. That's where you connect your pre. Then you just select the external preamp in place of one of the modeled ones. The GT series was always good about allowing you to place effects wherever you needed them in the chain, so you can assign an OD before the pre and your time-based effects after.
The GT8s are going to be REALLY cheap soon... I'd wait a month or 2 and buy a used GT8 instead of the GT-Pro... The GT10 just came out with a street price of $499 so there's gonna be a LOT of GT8s to be had in the $200-$250 zone...

I've heard the amp modeling on the GT-10 is much improved over the previous GT-series stuff. If you're just using it for effects and switching (it has nice routing and external switching features) and amp modeling doesn't matter to you, then I'd pick up a used GT-8.
I plan on using the amp models for awhile. Well until i find the amp (or afford it) that i really want. So far im looking at mesa recto as top choice.
I think the amp models on the GT-10 are still based on the old COSM stuff, and has NO SOFTWARE EDITOR. The processor is new but the heart of it's sounds, the COSM is still the old version I think. Given the GT-8 was around 1000 new, save up an extra 800 and get a new 6505. Sure it doesn't have 4 channels and switchable rectifiers of a Mesa, but who the hell plays metal with theirs with the Tube Rectification? It gets set for Silicon Diode and maybe gets 2 channels used without the 4500 price tag. Unless you play live and need a clean that you can easily switch too the 6505 will cover your bases. The 6505 does an OK clean on thr Rhytym Channel with Low Gain Input and Crunch off. Not really practical for changing between that and a Dirty sound Live, but apart from that it's sweet. The GT-8's amp models and Cab sims are pretty crappy. I have had the GT-8 for over 2 years now so I am speaking from a bit of experience.

Here's a good Youtube vid showing diff channels and Inputs.

Here's a good vid showing a nice tone
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Im looking at the gt pro as im using a rack setup. I plan to keep the rack setup, maybe the randall mts rack.
Im interested in getting one of these. I noticed that you can connect your pre amp so you can switch channels on it using the gt. It also looks like you can connect 2 different pres, and select from either as you like. Anyone have any experience with these?
Is it worth the extra money over the gt-8?

My setup is a rack system (rocktron power amp, peavey rockmaster pre amp).

Also anyone know whether you set the preamp in the fx chain... so you can have say OD then the preamp (rocktron) then the other fx as needed?
Hi my friend....hope you are well. Im Eddy Leger (lunatic4444)........i have two GT-Pros and a T-8 and use two Crown XLSv1,v2,v3..........or i go to JC-120 or Princeton. I love, love , love them..........i find them much superior to the axe fx. OK you may not agree, but the GT is all metal switchcraft jacks along the back. I have designed a fx sheet, a list of all parameters to all functions......303 lines long......but took me a month to log all Patches, factory, and my settings. You have sooooo much to offer if you are a "tone tweeker" deeper ya dive the better.......i still can't say i know everything.......2 fx loops , ser/paralel, and a pre-loop....chose open or close cab, mic type distance and types, stereo main out + sub out (direct to board).........i would buy a third if i could find another....people have no idea how forward it is and a tweekers heaven. A short story, i bugged my Roland/Boss rep for four years begging him to sell, he finally did and what a was originally sent to Randy Bachman to evaluate, then sent it back but signed the bottom, and he got 4 more, the to Alex Lifeson, same thing, he evaluated it, signed it, sent it back, he got a few to record (at the time) but i saw studio rig and saw two in there. Anyway, they left their settings, each, and now i got all their settings and experiments.....i can take pics for you if you newbie here, kinda, my opinion........i got two and the GT-8 because they share same everything except less output options...( not much real estate on GT8........anyway, hope this helps, feel free to contact me, if you get one............i promise, it will consume your time, because its so rewarding to have every possible tool in them. Be well my email is
If it's anything like the rest of the GT-series, there should be an i/o for a preamp or external distortion box. Similar to an effects loop. That's where you connect your pre. Then you just select the external preamp in place of one of the modeled ones. The GT series was always good about allowing you to place effects wherever you needed them in the chain, so you can assign an OD before the pre and your time-based effects after.
Hi my friend....hope you are well. Im Eddy Leger (lunatic4444)........i have two GT-Pros and a T-8 and use two Crown XLSv1,v2,v3..........or i go to JC-120 or Princeton. I love, love , love them..........i find them much superior to the axe fx. OK you may not agree, but the GT is all metal switchcraft jacks along the back. I have designed a fx sheet, a list of all parameters to all functions......303 lines long......but took me a month to log all Patches, factory, and my settings. You have sooooo much to offer if you are a "tone tweeker" deeper ya dive the better.......i still can't say i know everything.......2 fx loops , ser/paralel, and a pre-loop....chose open or close cab, mic type distance and types, stereo main out + sub out (direct to board).........i would buy a third if i could find another....people have no idea how forward it is and a tweekers heaven. A short story, i bugged my Roland/Boss rep for four years begging him to sell, he finally did and what a was originally sent to Randy Bachman to evaluate, then sent it back but signed the bottom, and he got 4 more, the to Alex Lifeson, same thing, he evaluated it, signed it, sent it back, he got a few to record (at the time) but i saw studio rig and saw two in there. Anyway, they left their settings, each, and now i got all their settings and experiments.....i can take pics for you if you newbie here, kinda, my opinion........i got two and the GT-8 because they share same everything except less output options...( not much real estate on GT8........anyway, hope this helps, feel free to contact me, if you get one............i promise, it will consume your time, because its so rewarding to have every possible tool in them. Be well my email is