Guitar preamps

I always liked my ADA MP-1 more than the JMP or the Tri-Axis.

Only retired it for the Line 6 POD Pro.

But I also use the Bellari Sonic Exciter which is 12ax7 Tube Driven and gives it massive Fear Factory Obsolete type guitar tone.

Surprisingly James from Arsis used the Rocktron Voodu Valve on their Recordings and live with a QSC RMX850 Power Amp and RG450 with EMG85's .

He got some decent sounds out of that.
I have a Rocktron Voodu Valve and it can sound pretty good. I got it when I was in a band near Battle Creek Michigan were GHS/Rocktron is at. Got it real cheap because the band had a hook up there.

I use it with a solid state power amp and a marshall cab. It ships from the factory with the effects level way to high, and you got to turn the speaker simulator off or it sounds like poo.

I was ready to get the more expensive Prohespy instead, but the dude at the factory said that the Voodu would be way better for high gain stuff.

Its got every effect you could want (and more that are useless) so you don't really need anymore gear for a gig.

Some of the preamps the other dudes mentioned are way better, but in a much higher price range. Depends on your budget.

Also the Voodu is way better sounding than the Chamelon.
one more for the psa1. out of all the choices above..youd be hard pressed to beat the psa has so much balls. doesnt sound too bad direct either.
When I played my tons of PodXT patches through my JSX poweramp, it sounded pretty incredible; PodXT Pro should definitely be considered as well
Have played once through same gear using JMP1 and my ENGL e430 (TubeToner) preamps and they sound close (with settings I used for ENGL). But if I turn presence control to zero I get tone similar to Bogner Sharp channel. e530 is like rackmount version of e430 (now discontined).
I always liked my ADA MP-1

fuck yes

i know that andreas kisser had 1 of those in his live rig for at least arise-roots era sepultura...fuck knows, he still might, but i know that his tone slayed in the early/mid 90's, and the MP-1 definitely seemed to have played a part

all the guitars on that were recorded through my FJA modded rockmaster into a marshall 8008 poweramp, crunch channel and no boost..

as far as preamps go the rockmaster's been awesome for metal tones, triaxis' tend to need a boost to get into metal territory. the recto recording pre has absolutely shit direct outs (its quite a joke really) but sounds great into a poweramp/cab.

i missed out on a soldano SP77 for dirt cheap a few weeks ago..grrrr
if you want that thick saturated mesa mark kinda tone the studio and quad pre's from mesa are top notch

paired up with a mesa power amp, the marshall jmp-1 can sound incredible

the peavey rockmaster is basically the preamp from the old ultra + heads, which was the predecessor to the XXX...anyone who says they can't do metal listen to the last two nile albums (dallas uses the rockmaster into a marshall mono block, karl uses boosted dsl100's)

i owned an engl e530 and didn't really care for it a whole didn't sound bad or anything i just didn't get along with it too well

best bang for the buck tho is the peavey rockmaster, they're a steal for $150-200...i actually need to get one
I just won a peavey rockmaster on ebay for $208...

Sold my blue voodoo:rock:

I will pair it with a rocktron velocity 100 (all i can afford right now). This will have to sound better than the bloody crate anyway.

I plan to end up getting a mesa studio or recto pre later down the road. First i wil build the rest of my rack and then replace the velocity with a tube power amp.

Next thing will be some type of fx rack (maybe rocktron). Im going best bang for buck as i have alot of other things i need to pay for also.

Or should i just use analog stomp boxes?
i'm drooling over the sansamp as well.. hopefully by christmas i'll find a used one in good condition :)
ADA MP-1 with the 3TM mod. This unit will slay almost anything you put againt it.
I had mine go againts the E530, JMP-1 and many other units and always left people
with a blank look. This unit was WAY a head of it time and it was on the market and
still is today. Combine this unit with a VHT 2502 and a VHT 4x12 FatBottom and you've
got some serious tone. I bought a dead mint 5150 signature head recently because of
the hype I was reading over it. It was fully loaded with new JJ's 6L6's, Tung-sol's in the
V1 and chinese 9th generations down the rest and it sounded nice but I still sold it after
2 weeks of playing it... didnt come close to the sound of my mian rig.

The Tri-Axis is a rip off IMO. NO PREAMP IS WORTH THAT MUCH. In fact, for 1/2 the price
of the Tri-axis i got 4 MP-1's have them shipped to Belgium and had them all moded. Trust
me, they totally kill!! Theres a mod for every style but nothing beats the 3TM(3 tube mod).

thats my 2cents.

the mp-1 is good cuz its dirt cheap, delivers and can be modded to sound like anything, and its tube driven...

but realisticallty speaking the kind of the pre amps is the triaxis (paired with a 2:90) its midi features, true tube path, and tonal versatility is unparalleled. for classic mesa tones and on the darker side its a great piece.

the recto pre is also good but then again its basically the preamp section of a rectifier nothing else, it gives you the direct recording but its not too impressive as a recording tool from what i've heard,i may be wrong.

if you can afford it for for a triaxis, otherwise go for an ada mp1
You know, I totally forgot about this thread. I use to own an ADA MP-1, into a Peavey Classic 60/60 power amp. I had two of them actually, one was stock, and the other had the 666 mod (basically a Mesa Recto type of tone. Both of them were really great preamps, I absolutely loved the tone. I would use the modded one for rhythms and the stock one for leads. Always got compliments after shows. The stock MP-1 is very versatile and a good cutting lead tone. The rhythm sounds (to me) leave something to be desired. But the 666 mod really helped that out. I never tried the 3 tube mod but ya know...due to this thread bringing back memories of that cool preamp make me want to get another one. I might have to do that.

I only got rid of my MP-1/Peavey 60/60 rig to get a 5150 btw. The 5150 was good for both rhythm and lead and sounded killer for either use :)
