Bouncing in PT


Jan 21, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
This is probably a stupid question but i suck at pro tools so here goes.
Is there a way to bounce tracks faster than soloing one at a time and bounce to disk?

I'm helping a guy with a session so he can import it into cubase since he doesn't have access to pro tools anymore, and bouncing each track to disk takes forever!

Can you do something with consolidating the tracks somehow?

Thanks in advance.
pharrell said:
Yo Impy

Depends if you want to include an realtime FX?


One at a time is the only way. You can try saving your session as a v4.3 - I think Cubase will load it then.
Impy said:
Seems odd that pro tools wouldn't have a function like that.

It does seem odd, but that's the way it is. I've heard an explanation of why Digi does this, but I don't remember what it was.
You can export files but it won't include plugins on the track and don't think it includes fades or volume automation (but not 100% sure about fades), just the audio files themselves. Click the region list bar and select export selected as files...

I think that's what it's called, if you're on a Mac it's cmnd+shift+k
Consolidate the tracks into single audio files (if they are made up from multiple takes) and just copy the .wav files from the audio folder. Thats what I did on a recent session and it worked fine apart from me forgeting to consolidate the tracks in two of the songs!!
Razorjack said:
Consolidate the tracks into single audio files (if they are made up from multiple takes) and just copy the .wav files from the audio folder. Thats what I did on a recent session and it worked fine apart from me forgeting to consolidate the tracks in two of the songs!!

This works, but only if your .wav files all start at the beginning (or at the same time) of your session. Maybe it's easier if your audio files are .bwf? 'Export selected as waveform' works, but it takes just as long as bouncing to disk, minus a few mouse clicks and keystrokes. And like SPLASTiK said, it'll only be your audio files with no automation or effects.
Your right,

I tend to keep a full written list of start and end points of each audio file to help re-build projects on different systems (a habit from back when Mac and PC versions of Cubase were not cross-compatible).
metalkingdom said:
This works, but only if your .wav files all start at the beginning (or at the same time) of your session. Maybe it's easier if your audio files are .bwf? 'Export selected as waveform' works, but it takes just as long as bouncing to disk, minus a few mouse clicks and keystrokes. And like SPLASTiK said, it'll only be your audio files with no automation or effects.

Won't most programs automatically place time stamped wav's? Seems like was my experience the one time I took wav's from PT into another program (Sonar).
Andy Sneap said:
err.... try alt shift 3, basicially consolidate

What if you have track(s) that start, say, during the chorus and not at the top? Does 'consolidate selection' change the regions start time to the top of the session?

Maybe I'm having a brain fart... or too many rips on the g-nob. :confused:
Consolidate won't affect the start and end times of the actual audio. It'll merely insert phantom track space in between the start and end points to make all the tracks match up head to toe.

I got recommended the 'go into the audio folder and fish em out' route yesterday, after I struggled down in the studio to find a logical 'export tracks as wav' option in ProTools. Go figure, it doesn't have one. Other option as others have said, look at the region list and select the consolidated files there and export.

To my knowledge when you consolidate, PT keeps the fades, so I think you'd be exporting with those already on the tracks. Or at the very least, I really hope so... otherwise I'm gonna have about 20 tracks with very audible pops in them when I get back down there...
Moonlapse said:
It'll merely insert phantom track space in between the start and end points to make all the tracks match up head to toe.

Sweet. My bad. It's 4:30 am, and I'm hammered offa Jagerbombs. Woo hoo! :loco: