Boycott Finnish venues for DT


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2001
Espoo, Finland
We all know well that bands don't come to venues, venues come to bands. If finnish venues felt there was an audience for Dark Tranquillity, they would be sending offers for sure. Who knows, maybe some guy in management decides after enough emails to contact these Swedish guys. So I hope that all Finns who read this would send emails demanding for Dark Tranquillity. "Foreigners" are welcome too, let them know you would come all the way to these venues to see DT play there :grin:

Here are the only sane places to contact:
Nosturi (Helsinki):
Tavastia (Helsinki):

EDIT: I forgot the real meaning of this word :/ I think you know what I mean though.
I will boycott finnish venues too, i'm sure my absence will hurt them.. ;)
A good idea, but...

Originally posted by Ormir

Here are the only sane places to contact:
Nosturi (Helsinki):
Tavastia (Helsinki):

Fuck no! Pakkahuone (Tampere) is a far better place than Nosturi - and if In Flames performed there, DT should be able to do likewise.

I was just wondering, if we should email the band's management as well?

Originally posted by Villain
Fuck no! Pakkahuone (Tampere) is a far better place than Nosturi - and if In Flames performed there, DT should be able to do likewise.

Fuck you :grin: Hearse and me come from Pääkaupunki seutu (and RealHazard also lives close), and Pakkashoune has no email adress... How big is it compared to Nosturi? Nosturi is good because it's small enough to be intimate, and it's got the balcony which is a good place to take pictures. But it doesn't matter that much where they come, as long as they come! So let's just spam every possible place.
Originally posted by Villain
I was just wondering, if we should email the band's management as well?
You mean somebody in Century Media? If you got an email adress, we should give that a shot too.
@Hearse: Tell me you are sending them email then dammit! Opeth isn't worthy to warm up DT (well, not many are) :p Should be something energetic, but no fucking Finnish power metal with tone-deaf bitch and rock star ego (who could I be talking about). They really should pick their company better...

@rahvin: Heil grammar fascist! :grin:
How about Nosturi? is it also k-18..
For 14 year-old it would be quite a challenge to show like an adult.

NP: (TV) U-Turn :)
@Real: Nosturi is for all ages. There's an anniskelu-alue that's K18 also. Where do you live again?

NP: U-Turn (seen it before, this movie is great)
Hey xpet :wave: For those who are wandering, I'm thinking of going to Wacken next year, so I'm beginning to secure things by making contacts on the Wacken board...

@Finns: Onks kukaan vielä heittänyt viestiä itseäni lukuunottamatta?