My DT concert crap

Wolfman Von Jones

The trouble with you
Dec 6, 2001
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Well let me first start by saying that I wasnt even supposed to have a day off today. I dont have any sick days left, so my place of employment is a bit pissed at me.

I got into the show for free b/c my friend's band's manager is a guy who runs an underground radio station here around Chicago. We had to drive out far West to pick up afew more people who were going to the show, so that cut time off, then we had to drive all the way back to Chicago and that also cut time off. So by the time I got there I got to hear Dark Tranquillity finishing up their set :mad: :mad:. Im sure some of you know how pissed I am, DT was the only band I wanted to see and I fucking missed them. Napalm Death and Nile sucked by the way.

On a good note. I got to meet the band, I met Micke in the front of the venue and we talked about cooking and such for awhile. Then I went outside, and sort of felt cheated that I didnt get to meet the rest of them. So I went up to the tour bus and knocked on the door. Mikael, Niklas, and Martin came out to talk with me for awhile. They are all really nice guys, and I appreciated that they took out some time to talk to me and bullshit for awhile. Mikaels hair is really bright.

So all in all it wasnt a total bummer. I got to meet DT and Micke said they would be back in March with Halford or some crap, and Niklas said they would be back in April.

i drove up from champaign, il...we got there in the middle of monochromatic stains (2nd to last song)...that really sucked. they were the only band i wanted to see as well. the same thing happened to me when in flames came around w/iced earth. i didn't like napalm death...the pit for nile was crazy. their music is just too chaotic for me though.

btw - does anyone know what their full setlist was?
@ Nick: :) Phew.. That's great! :grin: When I started reading, I felt really sad... :(
They're really ncie guys, that's right. They even standed talking to me. :)
Woohaa glad you had a good night anyway.

@Benighted: Owwww.. Sorry to hear that. :(
Nick, you did remember to wear your DT-forum-member nametag, didn't you. :)

Originally posted by NicktheClayman
Micke said they would be back in March (...) and Niklas said they would be back in April.

Pretty coherent guys, aren't they. ;)

@Nick: You missed them because Chicago is too close to Finland.

I just realised that of the last 5 European tours DT has done, every one has been with a Finnish band.
Originally posted by Ormir
@Nick: You missed them because Chicago is too close to Finland.

:lol: :lol:

come on guys, I still believe that if the finns in these forums booked a gig in Finland with DT you would make it...for sure you would got a sold out in a medium venue in Helsinki, it can't be that difficult dudes...

the crown! haha, they were featured on audiogalaxy or something. i don't remember liking them too much though. so does anyone remember the setlist then?
Apparently Michael Nicklasson thinks that DT has a good chance of touring with Halford in the USA and Canada in a month or two.
Sorry to hear you missed their set, but at least it wasn't a total waste. :)

I really hope this tour with Halford is officially confirmed sometime soon and that they come within driving distance of me. I'd really like to see them with a longer set than 4 songs or whatever they'll be limited to when I see them soon.
Originally posted by Shrieker
Yeah, even a 'never heard' band The Crown managed to get their asses here. But no DT :mad:

heh, before dt came here last September i said the same thing about Beheaded, a band from MALTA. they toured here in the U.S. last year. for their Chicagoland date they played this really small shitty dive on the south side. the turnout was pretty dismal, too.