Boycott the Lowenbrau


The Incredible Bulk
Aug 29, 2002
Western Sydney
I really, seriously hate the security at the Lowenbrau... thanks for ruining an awesome night!

A large group of my friends went there last night for a triple birthday celebration. We managed to snag 3 large tables and settled in for a fun night. Everything was going fine until later in the night when all hell nearly broke lose thanks to the monkey's being employed as security at the pub.

The incidents occured later in the night when they were trying to get us to leave because they were "closing" (the place was still packed inside)

The security guard who kept watch over us all night was cool. No issues what so ever.... but the second the head security guard came over and started insulting us (even telling the guy watching us "never bring your animal friends here again) was when the problems started.

He also insulting more then one female member of the group for no justifiable reason (including calling one a fucking slut because she asked if she could go inside to use the bathroom). We had caused no trouble at all during the night, put several hundred over the bar and for food. I can garauntee you that I will never be going back there again

I was told to "fuck off" because I was standing there waiting for my girlfriend to get out of the bathroom (she was trying to bring one of the other girls out of the bathroom because she was in there crying). The security called in riot police for christ sake! No threats where made against security, no-one was violent at all during the night. We weren't insulting other patrons.

What topped it off though was that one of our mates is a registered security guard. After everything settled down, he went back up to talk to the head guard. Asked for his licence number and told him who he was and that his actions where uncalled for. The guy just put his hand over his ID tag and said "I don't have to tell you shit" and stormed back inside
Yeah I'm no fan of security guards in general. Some are cool, but others are utter, utter knobs.

What were the girls doing having a bath at the pub anyway?
oh ha ha... you know what I meant!

About the guards... part of me feels bad if ALL of the guards get the flick because of this. The guy who was looking over us all night was actually really cool and we had no issues with him at all. Hell he helped us find tables so we weren't standing in the street!
That sux dude, security guards are the "animals" ive seen them hidding in their "offices" the ones with the glass you cant see very thru from the otherside, with the gray lines on it. Acting like animals trying to look up girls skirts in the hospital emergency area!