Brainstorm Set-List?


Feb 11, 2002
New York
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Anyone on this forum from Europe? If so, maybe you could post a recent Brainstorm set so we can get a general idea as to what songs they will most likely play at PP. I can almost guarantee one of them will be "Highs Without Lows" which is a fuckin killer song!!!
If I were to guess as well, I would say its a safe bet around 80% of the material will be from Metus Mortis and Soul Temptation. Maybe one or two tracks off of Ambguity and at most prolly one track from their earlier era with the old singer.

I'll see them next Friday, but although I own two albums I'm not too familiar with the song titles.......actually I'm only going to see Brainstorm cuz Andy B Frank is one of my fave voices and Symphorce is, besides Vanden Plas, my fave German prog band.

I'll see what I can do for you though ;)
SavaHexe said:
I'll see them next Friday, but although I own two albums I'm not too familiar with the song titles.......actually I'm only going to see Brainstorm cuz Andy B Frank is one of my fave voices and Symphorce is, besides Vanden Plas, my fave German prog band.

I'll see what I can do for you though ;)
Great, I love Symphorce as well!!! The only 2 discs i own are the latest and Metus Mortis, so hopefully they will play most of their set from those two albums!
This is the European setlist from what I found of a site linked to Brainstorm's official website>> (but then again it could change for the American audience?)
Hope this helps :D

Setlist :
Shiva´s tears
Blind suffering
Doorway to survive
Hollow hideaway
The leading
Highs without lows
Under lights