Brainstorm Tour 2005


Brainiac :)
May 16, 2003
Hey Guys and Girls,

Who will be out in the fields when its again: Brainstorm?

I´m really looking forward to be in Andernach on the 23th of April 2005.

Anyone else there? Who will be on the tour?

kind regards
sebastian, being glad to finally see brainstorm :hotjump:
We have Andernach, Vosselaar and Helmond on our list!!

Since that's already 3x as much as last year's tour, we're skipping Essen, since it's HELL to get there on a working day (for those who don't know, that area is very crowded and you get stuck for hours in traffic jams after 4pm or so)
Will be at JBs in Dudley , England on the Saxon Tour and I am toying with the idea of travelling to Edinburgh as well (6 hours by train !). Hopefully I can get my cds signed by the rest of the band as I only got to meet Andy in Paris and London.
I can partially remember a vote that was announced in the past before another tour. You could vote for all Brainstorm Songs and the songs with the most votes should be play on that tour. Anyone knows if something like that is planned for the upcoming liquid monster tour?

yep, it's gonna be cool to finally see BS playing a full set, we have been waiting long enough for that I think! :grin:
plus I'm pleasantly surprised Mercenary are part of the billing!! :rock: Too bad they are only the openers or do they at least alternate with At Vance each night? I doubt it :(
I wouldn't be surprised. No idea when the dates for the second part of the tour are going to be announced though. Just hang in there, sooner or later they'll be available ;)
dear forum,
I'm looked in here since october be I haven't posted, yet.
I conquered Brainstorm for myself during their last tour with Edguy and at Sweden Rock and of course Wacken. When I read who'll go the which show I see that I seam to the North-freak :Spin: I'll see Brainstorm in Hamburg. But the Markthalle is a great concerthall. Not too big and the stairs allow every fan to see the band, perfectly. I'll take hundreds of photos if you want and write a review.
Yeah... I know how that feels ;) Just got 18 4 weeks ago and before you arent allowed to stay out past 12 pm... drink anything with more than 6% alcohol and to drive a car...

that definitely sucks, but i think laws aren´t hard enough when i read in the newspaper about traffic accident with young people that drank alcohol you probably know what i mean.
sj said:
Yeah... I know how that feels ;) Just got 18 4 weeks ago and before you arent allowed to stay out past 12 pm... drink anything with more than 6% alcohol and to drive a car...

that definitely sucks, but i think laws aren´t hard enough when i read in the newspaper about traffic accident with young people that drank alcohol you probably know what i mean.

I'm not talking about drinking or any of that shit, I'm talking about being allowed to go out and see one of the ultimate metal bands, and metal gods, BRAINSTORM!! Man soul temptation, i can't stop listening to this album again. happens everytime i listen to one song off it, i must listen to the next, and the next, and then when its done, i repeat it. NUNCA NOS RENDIMOS!!! god this chorus is fuckin awesome!!
No-Mercy said:
I'm not talking about drinking or any of that shit, I'm talking about being allowed to go out and see one of the ultimate metal bands, and metal gods, BRAINSTORM!

Here this stuff goes nearly hand in hand. If youre not "fullaged" (18 years old in all parts of germany) you cant really go to festivals or stay out after 12pm without (maybe) getting in trouble with "Ordnungsamt" (the left arm of the police :tickled:). Thats what i tried to say :).

So no_mercy: be patient :cool: The day will come when you see brainstorm!

And by the way: some other great news!
My Order Left logisticcenter at 15pm localtime in 2 days i´ll have Undercode - Enlightening the world (great croation Metal!)after about 7 Months of waiting :hotjump::hotjump::hotjump::hotjump:

kind regards