Brand new 8-string VSTi guitar! WITH VIDEO/AUDIO DEMOS!

Listening on a laptop but the dynamics sound surprisingly lifelike. Hopefully now all the home studio djent kids will stop pretending they actually care about learning how to play the guitar and program MIDI tracks instead.
I'm trying to decide between buying this now or waiting for ORANGE TREE SAMPLES' upcoming 8-string library. In my demo of RealEight that I put on my Soundcloud, I reported some machine gunning while writing the track, primarily noticeable on the bridge mutes. A generous user sent me his R8 settings file and while it was a definite improvement, I still noticed some minor machine gunning. The Shreddage libraries don't really have that issue. As far as my own demo, I think I can do better. This is the first time I've ever used a MusicLab engine so I think I may have some stuff to learn.

I really want to try and hold out to see about OTS' library (which should hopefully be out within the next month). It's recorded with Bare Knuckle Pickups, and I know their stuff is usually pretty quality. One thing I was told is that their's will go down to F#, whereas RealEight goes down to E.
I'm trying to decide between buying this now or waiting for ORANGE TREE SAMPLES' upcoming 8-string library. In my demo of RealEight that I put on my Soundcloud, I reported some machine gunning while writing the track, primarily noticeable on the bridge mutes. A generous user sent me his R8 settings file and while it was a definite improvement, I still noticed some minor machine gunning. The Shreddage libraries don't really have that issue. As far as my own demo, I think I can do better. This is the first time I've ever used a MusicLab engine so I think I may have some stuff to learn.

I really want to try and hold out to see about OTS' library (which should hopefully be out within the next month). It's recorded with Bare Knuckle Pickups, and I know their stuff is usually pretty quality. One thing I was told is that their's will go down to F#, whereas RealEight goes down to E.

Yeah, I'm waiting until Mr. Schlaepfer releases his new library as well, but in the meantime I'm giving this a try. But in terms of, let's call it "realism", it's just a matter of tweaking the lenght of the bridge mutes and the attack and multi-track delay.

I hope the new OTS library can tweak the tuning of each string independently as they did with the Strawberry one on its early days.

By the way, where can I find your demo?
It's so much smaller and generally faster than the Prominy stuff.

Definitely much smaller, and quite effective IMHO.

The guitars don't seem to have much balls to them but I guess that could be the mix, otherwise they do sound surprisingly good.

I cut a lot of the low end of the guitars in order not to mess with the low freqs of the bass. That could be that.

Listening on a laptop but the dynamics sound surprisingly lifelike. Hopefully now all the home studio djent kids will stop pretending they actually care about learning how to play the guitar and program MIDI tracks instead.

I think they even wouldn't. To play a real guitar is the first step to make them sound lifelike. If not they would sound like a nintendo synth shit.

Guitar players are in trouble hahaha.

Nope. I am the one in trouble. :devil:
VSTi drums, VSTi bass and now convincing VSTi electric guitars....metal is becoming techno, yo.
Javi...maybe you can help me with this:

I posted about an issue on the MusicLab forum, but you can help me (if you use Cubase. R8 seems to work great in Sonar Platinum)

Also, my demo is here, Mr. Javi

There's some shoutouts to Feared and Meshuggah in there. I think I can do better than this track, though.

Well, it's just a matter of tweaking, as I said before. And play with automations and velocities on the RealEight

This sounds pretty damn good for a VSTi

Thanks! The first impressed was me. :D

VSTi drums, VSTi bass and now convincing VSTi electric guitars....metal is becoming techno, yo.

There has been VSTi drums for ages, almost everybody use them and real drummers haven't dissapeared, huh? Meh, stop whining and complaining! :devil::devil::devil:
There has been VSTi drums for ages, almost everybody use them and real drummers haven't dissapeared, huh? Meh, stop whining and complaining! :devil::devil::devil:

Comment wasn't about the death of the guitarist or a complaint, but more so that now when you hear a song with an amazing performance, it could be someone with genuine talent built up over 10 years of mastering their instrument or MIDI sequenced by someone in their bedroom with 3 months of practice. It wasn't long ago there some band accused of recording their solos at half time and speeding back up in the mix and a lot of knickers getting proper twisted in the process.

Whether it's ethical or not depends on how the music is presented (we played all solos are ourselves (but really we didn't...suckers)).

Anyway, I actually find the VSTi a pretty amazing achievement in its own right.
It's all good in da hood G. Is that how the kids say it these days? Eventually it's going to be about who can simply think the "better" tunes. ;) "I thought about that for 6 months dammit!"