Brandon Boyd solo album... worse master than DM?

From the Brandon Boyd Facebook

Hi everyone. I have read a bunch of your comments about the "distortion" in the music and wanted to let you know that it was highly intended on my part. I wanted the music to be the antithesis of that "faux clarity" we've gotten so accustomed to in popular music. Filling spaces with beautiful distortion and fuzz as opp...osed to other, more obvious things...

My favorite albums growing up (and currently) never sounded perfect. In fact the most lasting ones were flawed in the most poetic ways. All that being said, there shouldn't be any clipping going on in the sound. Just distortion and a pinch of chaos. How loud are you guys listening? Maybe ya'lls speakers can't handle... muh steez! I can't believe I just typed that.

I've noticed that a lot of the pop records these days sound distorted or lo fi. It's one thing when it's just the way your music is, but striving to create that because it's the new thing in pop is ghey.
With the current trend of this kind of mastering I might just open up my own mastering studio, specializing in this kind of sound.

(It will just be one instance of Camel Crusher on the masterbuss)