2010 best albums

Path of fire was definitely a grower, notice the huge deicide influence?
Have you heard the Dyscarnate record though? or their ep?
Check that shit out

Hah, now that you mention it yeah there is Deicide stuff all over the place. Dyscarnate was cool, but then there was a breakdown and gang shouts and I kinda tuned out...
Book of Souls should be out this year! At least this guys are on the same stage again, it gives me hope for a new Bungle cd!

I really, really don't want that to happen. Mike Patton's ego only seems to have swelled to 5 times the size since Bungle disbanded.

And Nicholas, I've listened to some Deathspell Omega, didn't really click with me that much, but isn't this new one the end of some sort of trilogy? I have been planning to give them another chance though! I shall do so sometime this week.

And was the new Immolation out this year or last year? If it was this year I'm adding that to my list.

But yeah, I'm not holding my breath for Book of Souls.
You seriously have to check them out gareth, I find it hard to believe that you wouldn't like anything they've done

The trilogy of Lp's goes like this:
Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
Fas – Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum

Check any of them out, or any of their ep's after Si
Si is definately their most memorable, but Fas really took the experimental/dissonance to another level altogether imo
You might like their song from the "Crushing the Holy Trinity" ep's, Diabolus Absconditus
So those are the 3 "core" ones I want to be checking out? I'll grab 'em today and listen to them later in sequence if so.
Yep, and don't expect to absorb any of it quickly, I know you're a seasoned listener of batshit crazy jazz stuff, but even so it's still very very difficult....
I may be a seasoned jazz listener but black metal is a genre I do generally find extremely difficult to appreciate.

I shall report back :)
The new Soilwork album is fantastic, I really didn't expect anything from it as the last few albums weren't that good imo... But The Panic Broadcast is fantastic!

Abrahadabra is really good too, but I haven't listened to it enough to really be able to pass judgement on it. A few songs are fantastic though, and the production is great!

The Obsidian Conspiracy wasn't as good as some of the other stuff that Nevermore has done, but it's still a lot better that what most other bands turn out.

My last mention goes to Aborted's Coronary Reconstruction EP. I can't believe that nobody has mentioned it yet. It's fantastic!
A lot of albums this year were great... but I had quite an eclectic variety that I enjoyed:

The Black Stymphalian - Digression EP (From our very own Sneap forum comrade, Jaymz)
Hans Zimmer - Inception soundtrack
Blind Guardian - At the edge of time
James Labrie - Static Impulse
Soilwork - The Panic Broadcast
Nobuo Uematsu - Distant Worlds II: More Music From FINAL FANTASY
Red Sparowes - The Fear Is Excruciating, But Therein Lies The Answer
Rosetta - A Determinism of Morality
Haste The Day - Attack Of The Wolf King (Joey Sturgis did a fantastic job on this one!!!)
Demon Hunter - The World Is a Thorn ("Collapsing" feat. Bjorn "Speed" Strid is absolutely amazing!)
Nevermore - The Obsidian Conspiracy

There were quite a few more I enjoyed, but I'll leave it at that.

Accept - Blood of Nations. I can't believe I forgot to put this on my list. Epic shit here.
A lot of good stuff here for sure, though I think Mnemic's 'Sons Of The System' and Destrage's 'The King Is Fat And Old' have been overlooked.
I really, really don't want that to happen. Mike Patton's ego only seems to have swelled to 5 times the size since Bungle disbanded.

And Nicholas, I've listened to some Deathspell Omega, didn't really click with me that much, but isn't this new one the end of some sort of trilogy? I have been planning to give them another chance though! I shall do so sometime this week.

And was the new Immolation out this year or last year? If it was this year I'm adding that to my list.

But yeah, I'm not holding my breath for Book of Souls.

I think for a time there you are right about Pattons ego, but now I think because getting back with Faith no more and playing with Trey shows me that maybe his ego has matured a bit. I don't care if the whole band is a bunch of egomaniac dicks, as long as they put out great music! I am starved for original/great music! Its just not being made. Nothing blows me away anymore, NOTHING! I've heard it all, I want something new!
Yeah, that happens to me too, then I just start trawling Miles Davis' ridiculously extensive back catalogue for another couple of good releases and I am then sated haha.
NEVERMORE - The Obsidian Conspiracy
ACCEPT - Blood Of The Nations
IRON MAIDEN - The Final Frontier
BLIND GUARDIAN - At The Edge Of Time
HELLOWEEN - 7 Sinners
GAMMA RAY - To The Metal
SOULITUDE - Wonderfool World
1. Enslaved - Axioma Ethica Odini
2. Immolation - Majesty and Decay
3. Heathen - The Evolution of Chaos
4. Ihsahn - After
5. Overkill - Ironbound
6. Triptykon - Eperistera Daimones
7. Pensees Nocturnes - Grotesque
8. Orphaned Land - The Never Ending Way of the ORwarrior
9. Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier
10. Gypsyhawk - Patience and Perseverance

Obviously, there are still more to come.
Soreption - Deterioration of Minds
Troll - Neo-Satanic Supremacy
The Sword - Warp Riders
Sons of Aurelius - The Farthest Reaches
Witchery - Witchkrieg
Carach Angren - Death Came Through A Phantom Ship
Abigail Williams - In the Absence of Light
Vulture Industries - The Malefactor's Bloody Register
Fleshgod Apocalypse - Mafia
Cannibal Corpse - Evisceration Plague

Wish I could say Grave - Burial Grounds, but its disappointing.