Throbbing Member
This year started off a bit slow but ended up awesome, I mean new Atheist for fucksake! Here is my list so far:
Isahn - After - still the top for me right now, amazing songs, gorgeous production, progression of Metal, genius.
Atheist - Jupiter - huge expectations and was not dissapointed at all
James Labrie - Static Impulse - a little poppier then I would usually like, but with songwriting and playing this good it really satisfies. Another great Bogren mix too.
Deftones - Diamond Eyes - killer comeback and unique sound, lots of hooks
Sevendust - Cold Day Memory - another kick ass nu Metalish comeback album, just fun to listen to when you want to rock
Dillinger - Option Paralysis - perfect production for these guys, sounds like it's ready to explode with energy and the best vocals by this guy yet
Mantric - The Descent - Extol is one of my favorite bands EVAR so was really looking forward to this. Not quite up there with Extol but really cool music anyway, progressive and unique with a nice mix by Tue.
Heathen - The Evolution of Chaos - The evolution of the bay area sound done right, with a punchy as fuck production from Jacob Hansen.
Dimmu Borgir - One of the best Metal productions ever combined with some pretty unique and epic music works for me.
Beneath the Massacre - they should only release EPs, this is the perfect length for a taste of brutality and insane tech with some cool melodies too.
Still looking forward to new Deathspell Omega and a couple others I need to check out like Enslaved. Quite a few dissapointments as well but I won't talk about those...
New Joe Satriani is nice for non Metal stuff.
Isahn - After - still the top for me right now, amazing songs, gorgeous production, progression of Metal, genius.
Atheist - Jupiter - huge expectations and was not dissapointed at all
James Labrie - Static Impulse - a little poppier then I would usually like, but with songwriting and playing this good it really satisfies. Another great Bogren mix too.
Deftones - Diamond Eyes - killer comeback and unique sound, lots of hooks
Sevendust - Cold Day Memory - another kick ass nu Metalish comeback album, just fun to listen to when you want to rock
Dillinger - Option Paralysis - perfect production for these guys, sounds like it's ready to explode with energy and the best vocals by this guy yet
Mantric - The Descent - Extol is one of my favorite bands EVAR so was really looking forward to this. Not quite up there with Extol but really cool music anyway, progressive and unique with a nice mix by Tue.
Heathen - The Evolution of Chaos - The evolution of the bay area sound done right, with a punchy as fuck production from Jacob Hansen.
Dimmu Borgir - One of the best Metal productions ever combined with some pretty unique and epic music works for me.
Beneath the Massacre - they should only release EPs, this is the perfect length for a taste of brutality and insane tech with some cool melodies too.
Still looking forward to new Deathspell Omega and a couple others I need to check out like Enslaved. Quite a few dissapointments as well but I won't talk about those...