
Ha ha.
You working tonight? (I don't use MSN messenger anymore so I'll use this thread)
Nope, I'm off again. I don't care if the place burns down, I'm not going near it.

Well, I do have to go near it, to get my check and my schedule (so I know when to go in tomorrow, but I'm sure I have shit hours again this week) but I'm wearing nothing anywhere near my work clothes so they can't try to get me to stay.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Nope, I'm off again. I don't care if the place burns down, I'm not going near it.

Well, I do have to go near it, to get my check and my schedule (so I know when to go in tomorrow, but I'm sure I have shit hours again this week) but I'm wearing nothing anywhere near my work clothes so they can't try to get me to stay.

Can I take a guess as to what Mistress Brat might be wearing...? :Smug:
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
but I'm wearing nothing anywhere near my work clothes ...
Mmmm... nothing...

Did you hear about the Street Team reuinion? Exciting stuff.
We both posted at the same time. But I came mere seconds before you did. (see that, above?)
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:

Probably not what you're thinking, but it's a white National Night Out T-shirt, blue jean shorts and I haven't decided between my sandals or my Nikes.

...well, that can be a sexy look, sadals, shirt tied in knot, no bra..... :oops:

sorry, ya gotta cut me some slack..i'm in my 11th hour of my 4th consecutive 14 hour shift. o_O
johnnieCzech said:
Tad I hope you don´t always come seconds before woman does.
Usually it's minutes afterwards. But we're talking about the pRiNcEsS here. I couldn't help it.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Reunion? What the hell?

And what the hell are you doing home so early??
I didn't tell you, I took a vacation this week so I could post on the NFMB all week!