Brave Murder May Bracket B: Voting/Evisceration

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Post your 16 winners (reviews/dissertative disembowelments) here.

Your Vote will be recorded and tallied within the next 72 hours, and we'll move forward with a hearty respite from listening to all this tripe. Bracket C: tentatively scheduled for July (possibly August if we need a larger breather. We'll see how we all feel in a few weeks.)
Torture Chain - Nokturnal Mortum
Ultra Silvam - Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
- Vektor
Hallas - Nile
Acid Witch - ArchGoat
Between the Buried & Me - Slechtvalk
Blood Incantation
- Sabbat
Thy Darkened Shade - Lake of Blood
Black Magick - Ofermod
- Funeral Mist
Obsequiae - Elder
Summoning - Alcest
Ihsahn - Taake
Daughters - Panegyrist
Dead Congregation
- Stargazer
Kayo Dot - Vola

Obsequiae/Elder was the toughest for me. I figured I'd go for Obsequiae as the genre is more my usual thing and I do like that album, however I really enjoyed Elder and it was just so much more fun to listen to than a lot of this stuff.

For me this bracket was only marginally better than A. I had more dislike both albums equally match-ups this time around too, so it was just a case of choosing which I hated the least.
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Torture Chain - Nokturnal Mortum
Ultra Silvam - Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult :puke::puke::puke:
Mystras - Vektor
Hallas - Nile
Acid Witch
- ArchGoat
Between the Buried & Me - Slechtvalk
Blood Incantation - Sabbat
Thy Darkened Shade
- Lake of Blood
Black Magick - Ofermod
- Funeral Mist
Obsequiae - Elder
Summoning - Alcest
- Taake
Daughters - Panegyrist
Dead Congregation - Stargazer (toughest for me)
Kayo Dot - Vola
Nokturnal Mortum
Acid Witch
Between the Buried and Me
Blood Incantation (sorry Sabbat)
Thy Darkened Shade
Kayo Dot
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Torture Chain - Nokturnal Mortum
Ultra Silvam - Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
- Vektor
Hällas - Nile
Acid Witch - ArchGoat
Blood Incantation - Sabbat
Black Magick - Ofermod
- Funeral Mist
Obsequiae - Elder
Summoning - Alcest
Ihsahn - Taake
Dead Congregation
- Stargazer
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Torture Chain - Nokturnal Mortum
Verity, despite not being posted properly wrecks. Almost as enjoyable as Voice of Steel. Its just a cunt hair off. Torturer is going to have to wait a few more years to wield his instruments of pain.

Ultra Silvam - Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
Close match up, dug the riffing in Ultra Silvam. I noodled.

Mystras - Vektor
Vektor held up really well over time. Was expecting to find them slightly annoying after the dust settled. Nope, they shredded an entire produce section of lettuce. Mystras on the underhand sounded like it was recorded during a day of spelunking. Cant hear SHIT

Hallas - Nile
Just listen to Star Rider, victory is in the chorus. Nile's offering is pedestrian and severly lacking in the Egyptian ambiance? First half completely devoid of world building
. Karl in need of cash?

Acid Witch - ArchGoat
ArchGoat was fine, but acid Witch bringing something different to the table. Will definitely be in my October rotation come fall.

Between the Buried & Me - Slechtvalk
BtBMe dropping a lot of the faggy core and coming forth with interesting instrumention that has me wanting more. Didnt find anything special about Slechtvalk.

Blood Incantation -
Sabbat was the best fresh listen of the bunch. Listened to Blood Incantation a ton upon release, its good, but nothing ground breaking. Can easily find a million albums just as good if you look at the 90s.
Thy Darkened Shade - Lake of Blood
Close matchup, Thy Darkened caught me in the better mood.

Black Magick - Ofermod
Fuck all you guys, these guys are swag. Some people thinking its the fag behind Ghost. Whoever is behind this clandestine project is peachy in my book. Shit makese happy, and thats all I look for. Either please me or make we want to impale someone. If ye fail at either road, why tf am I listening?

Vemod - Funeral Mist
Closer than I thought, almost tempted to pitch it to Funeral Mist, but I'll give the nod to Vemod.

Obsequiae -
Unfortunately I find Obsequiae a little over hyped. Its just too upbeat. Ive bought their shit, so im not overly negative, just was never blown away.

Summoning - Alcest
I want Silenius to give me a handy as Gandalf watches.

Ihsahn -
Ihsahn album was goat awful. From Emperor to Peasant.

Daughters -
Daughters sounded like they were womb fucked and self aborted. No newborns being begotten with this cacophonous backdrop.

Dead Congregation -
Closest matchup, legit a tie, going with Stargazer due to bass of fury.

Kayo Dot - Vola
Kayo Dot, Whyyyyyyyyyyy Me? :erk:
Torture Chain - Nokturnal Mortum
Never mind which album.
Ultra Silvam - Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
Difficult choice but gotta go with a band that was first introduced by HëllMïkeMötörbïkë
Mystras - Vektor
Mystras is maybe on to something but a long way still from target. Apart from the unforgiveable production, the material is lacking in the soul department. Stormkeep does the vintage medieval BM thing ten times better. But whichever angle I tackle Vektor from, there's just no hook for me in there.
Hallas - Nile
Hällas is great, Nile used to be great.
Acid Witch - ArchGoat
Two albums (and bands?) I've definitely heard the last of. Acid Witch loses the race for utter platitude by a hair.
Between the Buried & Me - Slechtvalk
Dude, I just voted for BtBaM in a tournament, haha...
Blood Incantation - Sabbat
Unlike Jerry I think the Blood Incantation debut succeeds in ticking all the boxes with a fresh pencil. Just the way Paul Riedl belches his vocals is pretty distinctive.
Thy Darkened Shade - Lake of Blood
Nothing for me there. Would expect neither album to make a best of the week contest, let alone a best of decade???
Black Magick 55 - Ofermod
- Funeral Mist
I love what Arioch has been doing with Funeral Mist and this album slays but going against Vemod in the first round couldn't result in anything other than a swift exit.
Obsequiae - Elder
Who was it in the first round who said "poor album in a style I dig vs. good album in a style I don't care about?". Well, vote goes to style I don't care about (which is not entirely true either).
Summoning - Alcest
The only Alcest album I find listenable apart from the demo.
Ihsahn - Taake
Daughters - Panegyrist
Panegyrist because it sounds like a mix of panini and gyros and I'm hungry af...
Dead Congregation - Stargazer
Stargazer is cool, musicianship soars way above the swarm, but I haven't broken my neck to Dead Congregation live about 15 times for nuffin'.
Kayo Dot - Vola
#notmykayodot but still...
Blood Incantation - Sabbat
Sabbat was the best fresh listen of the bunch. Listened to Blood Incantation a ton upon release, its good, but nothing ground breaking. Can easily find a million albums just as good if you look at the 90s.
so i like sabbat but "fresh" and "ground breaking" are not the words i would use for them either
Torture Chain -The Ascent of Deimos vs Nokturnal Mortum – Verity
Like I said in another thread, the previous two TC albums are superior, but I am happy they’re just in the tourney! Overall, still have to go with NK here though-

Ultra Silvam - The Spearwound Salvation vs Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult- Mardom
Initially I thought this would go to Darkened Nocturn (which is fine, but I’ve heard it before) but I really like the decadent sounding, bouncey riffing -- almost peste noire qualities of Ultra—

Mystras- Castles Conquered and Reclaimed vs Vektor- Outer Isolation

One of the toughest ones for me—I really like the Mystras---but they do a style that has gotten a bit more popular over the last few years, and it’s done really well. I just don’t listen to that much like Vektor, so the freshness has pushed it over the top.

Hallas-Excerpts From a Future Past vs Nile- Vile Nilotic Rites

Eh, the Hallas was fun, and had some nice variety. The Nile had some great parts, but overall some of it sounded like generic dm that the band themselves have done a lot better.

Acid Witch-Evil Sound Screamers Vs ArchGoat- The Apocalyptic Triumphator

Between the Buried & Me Parallax II Vs Slechtvalk - A Forlorn Throne

I’ve never heard of this Slechtvalk band, but they sound pretty good. They’re like the H band that SubRosa were up against last round, just went up against something too good. I’m on team ken with BtBaM ---I hope the finals are Kayo Dot vs Between the Buried and Me :p

Blood Incantation - Starspawn Vs Sabbat-Sabbatrinity

Sabbatt is super fun, but BI remind me of a lesser Time Ghoul---but still a win—I think their best album is still ahead of them.

Thy Darkened Shade- Liber Lvcifer Vs Lake of Blood- Omnipotens Tyrannus

My own two picks, but clearly TDS is the better album. I do think the LoB is fairly underrated compared to some of the other American bm. Also Betrand, you have generally have great taste, how can you be so wrong here? :err: Even it weren’t my picks it would be a terrible take! The last four tracks along are worth the price of admission (which is actually something the album has going for it---not front loaded at all---and actually the back end make up the best tracks)

Black Magick-Spectral Ecstacy vs Ofermod-Thaumiel

Had never heard of Black Magick—a pleasant surprise---vocals remind me of like god tower with some urfaust—I’ll take it.

Vemod-Venter pa stormene Vs Funeral Mist-Hekatomb

Been a fan of this Vemod since it became a thing on this forum-easy pick.

Obsequiae- Aria of Vernal Tombs Vs Elder- Dead Roots Stirring

I am familiar with both albums, and do like the Elder, but I just like the style of Obsequiae a lot more.

Summoning-Old Mornings Dawn Vs Alcest- Ecailles de Lune

I just can’t get all the excited for this summoning---I should really put an abigor album into the tournament, they have been so much better –how’s the toaster thread work now-

Ihsahn-Arktis Vs Taake- Noregs Vaapen

Daughters - You Wont Get What You Want Vs Panegyrist- Hierurgy

This daughters album is awesome---I’ve heard a few tracks here before, but such great variety and dynamics—reminds me of a post punk the Body with maybe less industrial. I’ve listened to this Panegyrst before—didn’t do much for me—sounds like a poor man’s Esoctrilihum

Dead Congregation - Promulgation of the Fall Vs Stargazer - A Merging To the Boundless

I’ve always liked DC—they play my favorite style of dm—the good kind---it’s like an unholy mix of incantation and immolation- I must have skipped right over this stargazer because I really don’t remember listening to it. Before their most recent, I remember A great work of ages, and that being a mild step down from ‘scream’ In any case, awesome stuff here—and because I’m such a sucker for upfront bass, it almost pushed it over the top---but still went with DC.

Kayo Dot-Hubardo Vs Vola- Applause of a Distant Crowd
so i like sabbat but "fresh" and "ground breaking" are not the words i would use for them either

Comment was towards Blood Incantation. Folks slarve this band's Doden's Grav. Theyre quite good, but nothing ground breaking unless you were born in 2000. Wish they were matched up against one of the tripe bands, alas.


Re:Leave-Ins, just list as many albums as you like and we'll narrow it down at another date.

Timeghoul is awesome, and most definitely superior to Blood Incantation. Though their sole release is a compilation of demos. Dont know if it legit qualifies for tournament, but it should. :heh:
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Torture Chain - Nokturnal Mortum
Ultra Silvam - Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult
Mystras - Vektor
Hällas - Nile
Acid Witch - ArchGoat
Between the Buried & Me - Slechtvalk
Blood Incantation - Sabbat
Thy Darkened Shade - Lake of Blood
Black Magick SS - Ofermod
Vemod - Funeral Mist
Obsequiae - Elder
Summoning - Alcest
Ihsahn - Taake
Daughters - Panegyrist
Dead Congregation - Stargazer
Kayo Dot - Vola

the endless grind of store brand black metal riffs has annihilated my willpower to make any further comments
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if i had the energy i would say that

1) torture chain is actually hella good and i wanna vote for them but well, verity was verily very well written

2) black magick ss are a bunch of fucking clowns and approximating the worst music i have heard in my life
Folks slarve this band's Doden's Grav.
so i get that thesaurusposting is your thing but sometimes you cross the line into the literally incomprehensible

anyway yeah i guess i misread your description of sabbat as a "fresh listen", you mean "fresh" as in "new to me", not as "musically fresh"

carry on then
An old saying an ex-supervisor used to say. "Slarve One's Dode."

A.KA Blow em'.

Paying homage to him and an old RCer. There was a Doden's Grav around here wasnt there, or did I imagine him?
lol. i love that no matter how shit the competitor is, Erik wont vote for a "christian" band

Erik wouldve voted for Black Magic SS if they faced an Opeth17 reco :lol:

i think panegyrist, despite being eye-rollingly pretentious, is the least annoying "christian" "black" "metal" so far actually so there's that
but i would much rather listen to daughters regardless of lyrical content
this "it's like being in a church... but it's a spoooooky church :o" shit is completely uninteresting to me regardless of whether they like satan or jhvh

as for slechtvalk, again, i just could not care less about this style of music
btb&m will probably not be in heavy rotation here either but at least there's something happening. it's like sitting in a hospital waiting room vs. going to the circus. neither is really in my top 10 interests but at least the circus has things to look at

also: reminder that i voted for wytch hazel last round
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It's actually a little odd to see Panegyrist associated with "Christian Metal" since they've explicitly disavowed being a part of any such scene or of having their music dubbed Unblack Metal.

lol. i love that no matter how shit the competitor is, Erik wont vote for a "christian" band

Not sure, but I think there may be a bit of this going on (not speaking about Erik in particular).

Whatever. If Slechtvalk loses too, I'm nominating Stryper for the next round. Suck on that!